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Everyone I know who listens to black dolla murder is usually:

A: Social Hermit, sits in room all day debating troo metalz.

B: Goes to highschool parties, then goes home and does "A."

Then, everytime they're called on what a {censored}ty band black dolla is, they say, "Oh man, but they're totally funny, they don't even take themselves serious, they're so awesome bro." Then, they refer to "A."


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Nothing screams metal like sitting at your computer desk in your room (with a monitor that has been angled towards the wall away from the door, so when mom comes in, she doesn't catch you looking at porno), drinking mountain dew all day and wearing sweatbands doing it.



Add {censored}ty, spotty facial hair for extra black dollas cred. :lol:

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The Black Dahlia Murder are amazing, and I'm actually slightly an ANUS-ite.

They are not -core in any way, Trevor hates being labeled -core and loves obscure old school Death Metal.

Plus they totally have fun and don't take themselves serious. Amirite?

I mean, Trevor is pretty much the man, look at his glasses, he totally doesn't care about being labeled. :idea:

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My favorite thing to do is put black dolla in at stoplights across the street from the local high school. ESPECIALLY when all the high school kids are crossing the street after school.



I TOTALLY BLAST IT HARD, and all the girls look at me like the demon loving metal god I am.



Even better, right after I swing by my friends house to pick him up for a jam sesh, I totally post what happened on the black dolla murder forum. Further cementing the fact that I am 2 metul for my own good- and high school kids, apparently.

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can we talk about LOG now ?



OH MAN, lamb of god, totally has that crazy pit thing, where everyone seperates like the red river (I mean, jesus is pretty close to god, right?) and EVERYONE runs full sprint into eachother. TOTAL ANNIHALATION .




Was totally bad until like 7 kids died one concert. Now it's illegal, but I totally got to do it before they outlawed it. :leans back in chair:

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