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Uh I think I messed up


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Draw out a diagram of the before and after and check each component you changed 1 by 1, slowly. Take your time and mark off each thing you check on paper. Next time take your time and check each step before moving on to the naxt one. It's much faster to go slow and take your time than it is to spend hours trying to figure out what you did wrong. Good luck.

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Yes, because a modded 800 is exactly the same as a 6506+.


Let me clarify some of the postings above...

1. I fully support modifying amps, as long as it is performed by a professional. It's the modifications performed by the uninformed that frustrate me. As I stated before, I ran across alot of amps that were modded by people that didn't know what they were doing and, as a result, completely ruined an otherwise great amp. I was searching for a Mark IV for 9 months, and 4 out of 5 of them had been modified by the owners (not a qualified or informed technician).

2. I understand that the "modern amplifier technology" we have today is due to the fact that there were a select few educated technicians (Randall Smith, Reinhold Bogner, Scott Splawn, Jose, Cameron, ect.) that started trying to make existing amps (Fenders, Marshalls, ect.) better, or in some cases have more gain, and as a result invented/engineered a new product. These individuals knew what they were doing (or in Randall Smith's early attempts, maybe not), but in the end created a high quality product.

3. To SP, I wasn't implying that a JCM800 was in any way similar to a 6505+, I was ony trying to make a point that if the OP was attempting to coax more gain from his JCM800, it might have been a better idea to sell the JCM800 at a decent price, and not only have enough money left over to pick up another amp (Recto, 6505+, Mark), but also pocket some money in the process. The JCMs in my area sell for more than the 2 channel Rectos and the 6505+s (by about $300).

4. As a personal side note, I think that mods to amps are great, as long as they are reversible. When alterations to the PCB or chassis are made, it devalues an amp (unless the mod that was performed was favorable by the purchaser). There have been several amps that I have seen available that I wanted to buy (JMPs, JCMs, Mark IIs, Mark IVs), but ended up having to pass on them.

As far as the original point of the thread (sorry to the OP), but I think that if the are "minor" alterations that you are capable of performing (such as changing caps), I encourge it as long as it can be changed back to it's original condition. That way, you can ensure that the amp retains it's value.

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Stock 800s are all over the place. Returning an amp to stock specs isn't exactly hard. You don't like the sound of a modded marshall? It's not exactly a 6505...



I haven't found too many JCM800s available locally in my area. I can find the reissues (2203x), but not the originals.


The JCMs that I have found don't have the typical "Jose" mod perfomed (just as an example), but I agree, if a modification has been performed correctly, in most cases it can be reversed.


I do like the sound of the modified Marshalls (see post above), I just don't like it when great amps are modified to the point that they are irrepairable. I would love to have a modded JMP, but I wouldn't perform the modification myself.


FWIW, I'm more of a Mesa Mark guy, but I also like the midrange of the Marshall JMPs and JCMs. I don't really need the Brootalz, but if I do, I already have a Recto.

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I attempted to perform the Ultimate JCM 800 mods I found at

and it seemed like everything was going smoothly....until I turned it on.

My high input produces no overdrive and the low input doesn't produce anything at all. Does this problem sound familiar or am I just a noob idiot?

I performed the bright cap mod by getting rid of the .001uF capacitor and also removing the 470k and 470pf capacitor. After that I performed the mods on the site above.

Any suggestions other take it to a tech or am I just screwed? haha





Yep. You {censored}ed up.

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If it wasn't for the modded Marshall...which is a modded Fender... which is a modded...oh wait....scratch the modded Fender but anyway....

You wouldn't have modern rock as we know it. I didn't even mention Mesa was a modded design so really...it's a big f u to your b s .

It's one thing to improve on something, which is what Ken Bran & Jim Marshall did with the Bassman circuit and then come up with your own unique product>>>hence Marshall amps.

It is completly different to take some 25 years of electronic marvel [JCM 800] and effectively reduce it to 50 pounds of scrap metal because your a nOOb and have NO idea what the {censored} your doing.:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

There is a difference between a "mod" and a "massacre".:snax:

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I attempted to perform the Ultimate JCM 800 mods I found at

and it seemed like everything was going smoothly....until I turned it on.

My high input produces no overdrive and the low input doesn't produce anything at all. Does this problem sound familiar or am I just a noob idiot?

I performed the bright cap mod by getting rid of the .001uF capacitor and also removing the 470k and 470pf capacitor. After that I performed the mods on the site above.

Any suggestions other take it to a tech or am I just screwed? haha


sounds to me you are not able to diagnose the issue so I'd recommend you take it to a tech.

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Well, you kind of implied it when you said

Kinda made your point crystal clear methinks.

Oh and that's just dumb BTW. The majority of gear I've owned, amps guitars and otherwise, has been used, and no problems.



Nope, I made no such implication. It was a generalization that, as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather not be bothered buying used gear only to bring it home and find it's been someone's frankenstien project. In fact, that HAS happened to me several times. It would be unreasonable to think that every piece of used gear is bad, of course. However, I choose to never, Ever , EVER buy used gear again, because I (read: "G-E-N-E-R-A-L-L-Y") don't want to take the risk. I can break it down for you word-for-word, beginning with the letter F in my original reply and stuff, if you still don't understand.

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and effectively reduce it to 50 pounds of scrap metal because your a nOOb and have NO idea what the {censored} your doing.

There is a difference between a "mod" and a "massacre".

YEs...and maybe you should explain that to whatizface....electerkoninator.

He could be a BIT more specific...doncha think?

He said this:

Amps don't need modifications. They need an Input jack, an FX loop and of course, reverb helps.

Put a booster or good EQ in the front, drop freq's below 100Hz.

your apology is accepted. :p

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