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Where are all the Thanksgiving Songs???


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I just heard on the radio

That the conditions of raising turkeys should cease

They're stuck in little cages all day

And each year are more and more obese

Those in charge show no respect

The turkeys can barely support their heads by their necks

And when they try to stand they're completely unable

Oh wait, it looks like they were actually talking about us sitting at the table

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I feel that things could have been handled a lot better a few hundred years ago.To argue over some tea seems a bit over the top? I wish we had Thanksgiving then I would be able to eat and drink too much twice a year instead of just at Christmas? I could proceed to lay on the couch and watch the sports on TV. stuffed to the gills and over flowing in beer and wine.

Last year I put on a Thanksgiving dinner for my daughter-in-law and she enjoyed it very much, we had roast turkey, roast potatoes vegetables and all the trimmings. we followed this with a Christmas pudding and vast amounts of wine and beer. Now this November it will mean nothing once again because our loved ones have returned stateside.

So I say to all you Americans, enjoy your feast and enjoy your special day........you deserve it.......dylanthermos.

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I feel that things could have been handled a lot better a few hundred years ago.To argue over some tea seems a bit over the top?



I'm no historian, but I think you are thinking of the Boston Tea Party? May have been a significant event in history, but we really don't celebrate it.

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Every day you're 'above ground' (as in, not dead) can be thanksgiving day.


Most people walk around in a daze of everyday concerns -- you can't ignore everyday life without consequences -- but it's good to stop a few times a day and really think about life -- the big picture.


Too many folks take it for granted. Whatever one thinks about what may or may not happen after the heart stops beating and the neurons stop firing -- one thing seems clear, this is the only time you will be walking in this skin in this world as it is today.

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I'm no historian, but I think you are thinking of the Boston Tea Party? May have been a significant event in history, but we really don't celebrate it.

Every December 16th, I stumble from tea room to tea room, buying rounds and getting progressively more agitated until I fall down twitching...

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I'm no historian, but I think you are thinking of the Boston Tea Party? May have been a significant event in history, but we really don't celebrate it.



I swa this and thought you might chuckle at the first paragraph....excessive taxes....?


HAPPY THANKSGIVING! And Remember the Boston Tea Party


From the Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations:


At this time of year, we have an opportunity to consciously reflect upon our forefathers and their sacrifices made in an effort to establish a country free from religious persecution, government suppression and excessive taxation.


As we reflect upon that which we have to be thankful for, we recognize Thanksgiving as an American heritage and symbol which began in October, 1621 at Plymouth as the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest, and which continued throughout subsequent years. During the American Revolution in the late 1770's, the Continental Congress proposed a national thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was ultimately proclaimed an annual national holiday in 1863 by then President Abraham Lincoln.


Our forefathers were men and women of conviction who worked hard and fought hard for a government which they would control. They knew the effects of excessive taxation, and on December 16, 1773, in an act of defiance, set the stage in history for what came to be known as the Boston Tea Party.




Today, there is a taxpayer revolution growing throughout our country. As the sub prime debacle has resulted in the loss of homes, jobs and savings, the next segment of the population to feel the effects of a government gone wild, with the excessive spending and mismanagement of taxpayer dollars, will be homeowners who cannot afford to pay their property taxes. Where unpaid mortgages resulted in foreclosures, unpaid property taxes will result in tax lien sales by local municipalities. The effects will be the same. Like Eminent Domain, homeowners will lose their homes. The following offers insight into the effects of the sub prime debacle, the trillion dollar plus bailout, and the impact on homeowners as the effects of Wall Street flows down to Main Street. See the rest -HERE-


Contact: Susan Kniep, President


Website: http://ctact.org/

email: fctopresident@aol.com




November 27, 2008




Posted by Admin at 11/27/2008 2:12 PM

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11/28/2008 7:38 AM Maggie wrote:

Eminent Domain, is Woodstock safe? Will the town hall and the ZEO take over your property like others in town have and will experience. Will CME, and others who control Woodstock find legal loop holes to encroach on and deface your property? Property values plummet due to government, BOE, BOF and town mistakes, tired of being the victim? What can be done to stop them?" United We Stand, Divided WE Fall" Suggestions any one ?

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I swa this and thought you might chuckle at the first paragraph....excessive taxes....?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! And Remember the Boston Tea Party

From the Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations:

At this time of year, we have an opportunity to consciously reflect upon our forefathers and their sacrifices made in an effort to establish a country free from religious persecution, government suppression and excessive taxation.

As we reflect upon that which we have to be thankful for, we recognize Thanksgiving as an American heritage and symbol which began in October, 1621 at Plymouth as the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest, and which continued throughout subsequent years. During the American Revolution in the late 1770's, the Continental Congress proposed a national thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was ultimately proclaimed an annual national holiday in 1863 by then President Abraham Lincoln.

Our forefathers were men and women of conviction who worked hard and fought hard for a government which they would control. They knew the effects of excessive taxation, and on December 16, 1773, in an act of defiance, set the stage in history for what came to be known as the Boston Tea Party.

Today, there is a taxpayer revolution growing throughout our country. As the sub prime debacle has resulted in the loss of homes, jobs and savings, the next segment of the population to feel the effects of a government gone wild, with the excessive spending and mismanagement of taxpayer dollars, will be homeowners who cannot afford to pay their property taxes. Where unpaid mortgages resulted in foreclosures, unpaid property taxes will result in tax lien sales by local municipalities. The effects will be the same. Like Eminent Domain, homeowners will lose their homes. The following offers insight into the effects of the sub prime debacle, the trillion dollar plus bailout, and the impact on homeowners as the effects of Wall Street flows down to Main Street. See the rest -HERE-

Contact: Susan Kniep, President




November 27, 2008

Posted by Admin at 11/27/2008 2:12 PM

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11/28/2008 7:38 AM Maggie wrote:

Eminent Domain, is Woodstock safe? Will the town hall and the ZEO take over your property like others in town have and will experience. Will CME, and others who control Woodstock find legal loop holes to encroach on and deface your property? Property values plummet due to government, BOE, BOF and town mistakes, tired of being the victim? What can be done to stop them?" United We Stand, Divided WE Fall" Suggestions any one ?

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When considering the so-called "taxpayer revolt" supposedly going on in the US today, it's worth noting that, in real economic terms and real taxes paid, US taxpayers are paying less taxes today than at any time in the last ~60 years.


It may also be worth noting that US government spending is lower today than it was under George W. Bush.


Now, I only offer that as an antidote to some of the nonsense I see flying around these days. Anyone who wants to explore some of the idiocy being promoted by some folks countered with some facts and common sense from someone on the real right (as opposed to the neopopulist 'right') might want to check out this article from David Frum: http://nymag.com/news/politics/conservatives-david-frum-2011-11/


But I fear we are coming dangerously close to politics. And there's a forum for that.



PS... what the people in the original Boston Tea Party action were protesting was not taxation -- but taxation without representation. Like 'em or hate 'em, my fellow US Americans, we elect our lawmakers and they make the laws and set the policies we have. If you don't like what your representatives do, vote for someone else.

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