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The Secret, What a Book!


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You all know how into Positive visualization I am. It's one of the three tenants of Robot's philosophy of life, it's right between Homeopathy and Magnets in my left shoe.


So, you've all probably heard of The Secret, but if you haven't I'm going to share a nice little book review with you (not mine).



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Girlfriend is into it and made me watch the show version.

Gave it a fair shot.


Some reasonable common sense, clouded by a bunch of utter twaddle, delivered by some money hungry lunatics to a bunch of utter moronic audience members were my first and last impressions.


Not saying there's anything wrong with the fundamental messages, though, it's just the rest that buggged me.


Just my 2c.

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Girlfriend is into it and made me watch the show version.

Gave it a fair shot.

Some reasonable common sense, clouded by a bunch of utter twaddle, delivered by some money hungry lunatics to a bunch of utter moronic audience members were my first and last impressions.

Not saying there's anything wrong with the fundamental messages, though, it's just the rest that buggged me.

Just my 2c.



read the review

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It would appear the world enjoys playing a sick game of irony. I recently discovered this wonderful piece of literature after the death of someone very close to me, my brother. Why is this important to comment on you may ask. Well my brother's name was Marcus Craig the same Marcus you mention in this horrific tale. Although, you probably knew him better then I ever did, I am shocked to see the description of his death so carelessly described. Marcus was a good man, if not misunderstood. He stood up generally for what he believed in and as you are aware was openly homosexual. It would appear to me that my brother Marcus is no more then a man punished for accepting himself as a homosexual. Marcus was murdered simply because his free time activities involved showing compassion and care for another male in a romantic way. Someday somehow I will have my vengeance. Yours truly, TOS.



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An amazing number of biological processes have to go just right for any human to be formed. Nature goes to a lot of trouble to bring about life. And just as easily you can be eaten by a lion or run over by a bus. Life can be very cheap.


Getting your head around this paradox can be helpful.


You might as well have a positive attitude, I think in the long run it will help. I am just not sure I buy the bit about the universe wanting me to live in a mansion and drive a Bugatti. I would rather see a few more people get food or education or healthcare.


One thing I strongly believe: It is very unfortunate if you go thru your entire life without exploring your states of mind.

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"At age 36, I found myself in a medium security prison serving 3-5 years for destruction of government property and public intoxication. This was stiff punishment for drunkenly defecating in a mailbox but as the judge pointed out, this was my third conviction for the exact same crime. I obviously had an alcohol problem and a deep and intense disrespect for the postal system, but even more importantly I was ignoring the very fabric of our metaphysical reality and inviting destructive influences into my life. "


:lol: ... and it gets better!

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My spanish teacher used to preach this book. We took a week off of spanish to watch the movie and read a bunch of excerpts. If I recall right the book actually says that, in addition to happy thoughts, you have to do a bunch of work to get your goal. Its not a real secret, its work hard which everyone already knows. The people in the video are nut jobs, I got a detention for laughing :(


Lol at the review and ToS

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