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What amps have you owned in the past, and why do you no longer have them?


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I don't think there has been a thread like this (at least not in recent history) and I thought it would be pretty interesting to see what people have had, and why they don't have it anymore.


Peavey 5150 II - This was my first "real" amp so to speak (i.e. not a crap combo). I got it used off Ebay, and it was awesome for two weeks, but then it broke down. And me being the idiot I was took it to a sketchy tech, and got my ass scammed off and never saw it again.


ENGL Steve Morse Signature 100 - I loved this head, the mid matrix was a very cool feature, I had it for about a year, and decided that the lead channel just wasn't quite the right tone for me, and in the end, I traded it for a Mesa Boogie Mark V.


Still rocking the Mark V and I also have a Jet City JCA20H, which will be sent off to be modded by Dave Friedman soon :evil::evil::evil:


Lets hear about your amp history!

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There were plenty of amps before i started this band, but because i was a bedroom player none of them were really decent. So from the start of my band.................


Peavey Supreme XL - Solid and reliable, even through the {censored}ty behringer cab i was using


Marshall DSL50 - Superb and versatile set-up, but not much originality in the tones.


Genz Benz El-Diablo 100 - Despite the hate they get round here, i really love them. I only sold mine because of the lack of a dealer network in the UK.


Crate Blue Voodoo 60 - Again these get loads of hate but i think for the money they're decent, i paid 350 quid for mine with a matching bv 4x12 cab.


Cornford RK100 - This is easily the king of simple, no frills amps, expensive, classy and the quality was superb. Unfortunately not the most versatile of amps, so it had to go as my style needed more than one channel.


Hughes & Ketttner Trilogy - Flexible with great quality tones. I just never really bonded with it although i could hear it was a great amp.


Marshall JCM900 100w - probably my favourite Marshall head, again theres not much originality to the tone, its just pure Marshall and nothing can change that!


Brunetti XL-r Evo II - The most under-rated three channel hi-gain amp on the market today. Great cleans, powerful crunch and the most awesome high gain tones from the lead channel. I do miss this one a lot but i sold it to pay for my bands EP Recording.


Marshall DSL100 - Great amps, prefer the 100 to the 50.


Orange AD30htc - open, raunchy and great quailty. The drive channel is great although its not really high gain, the low end gets really loose but through a 4x12 this one sounded huge. the 30w class A power section is so responsive and crazily loud!


Mesa Tremoverb - bought it on the strength of its reputation, i just didnt bond with it, too many features to tinker with and i didnt think it sounded great in a live situation.


Laney GH50l - Its so close to the Cornford RK100 its unreal, it'll do clean, crunch and hi-gain and always feels organic. I love it live and recorded its a dream too. It loves most cabs and Laney endorsement support are excellent in the UK.

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Two Boogie 50 caliber heads

Marshall JCM 900 head

H&K Warp head

Marshall 8100 head

Randall dime head

Fender black face twin combo

3 SS crate combo amps

Peavey red stripe bandit

Tech 21 PSA

Peavey Rockmaster.

Right now I just have the Bandit.

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I'm trying to sell my DSL 401 Combo because it sounds like overly compressed fizzy thin {censored}e.


For some reason I always forget that I owned it, but I had a Traynor YCV20WR for a while. It had beautiful chimey cleans, but the gain sounds sounded really harsh and it had 0 saturation. Single notes never sounded any good. Looking back on it, I would probably be in a better position to get better tone out of it now, but I don' regret getting rid of it for the Marshall.

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I'm trying to sell my DSL 401 Combo because it sounds like overly compressed fizzy thin {censored}e.

For some reason I always forget that I owned it, but I had a Traynor YCV20WR for a while. It had beautiful chimey cleans, but the gain sounds sounded really harsh and it had 0 saturation. Single notes never sounded any good. Looking back on it, I would probably be in a better position to get better tone out of it now, but I don' regret getting rid of it for the Marshall.



Have you tried your 401 through a closed-back v30 cab?

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Have you tried your 401 through a closed-back v30 cab?



I bought a Lopo 212 with Hellatone 60s, (basically worked in V30s) and although it sounds better, the 401 fizz is still there. Besides I haven't bought a new amp in three years and I want something different to fit the music I play these days, so I'm looking for an Orange Rockerverb 50.

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Had a 10 or 15 watt Gorilla.. First amp, have no idea what happened to it..


-Fender 85.. My next amp, used it for many years as a practice amp.. Traded it in for a Peavey Envoy to have as a nicer practice amp. Sold the Envoy to a friend..Wish I still had it.. Sounded good for a little 10 inch combo..


Peavey Ultra 60- Sold it and my 5150 cabinet in Germany so I would have money for a plane ticket home..


-5150 combo Replaced the Ultra 60 and I still have it..


-Peavey XXX- Got a killer deal on one, still have it..


-Randall RG100es- Even trade for a pickup and pedal.. Wanted something different for recordings and days I wanted to use it.. Still have it...




Thats it..



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Nameless 5 watt transistor amp: sucked, gave it away

Ibanez TB-25R: still got it for home, rather have a Cube but it's OK

H&K Tube 50: had to be way too loud to be interesting

ENGL Thunder Reverb: OK, not my style and had to be reasonably loud

Line 6 Pod X3 live + active monitor: too much knobs, hard to get sounding good

H&K Statesman Dual EL84: beautiful cleans, but had to use a MI Audio Crunch Box for high gain.

Koch Pedaltone + active monitor: sounds pretty nice, just like to have an amp instead of preamps and speakersims.


Current: Blackstar HT-20h + Kool & Elfring 112 V30 cab: sweet!

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In semi-chronological order:


Marshall VS8200 - sold because I was sick of dealing with the dirty FX loop

Jackson JX-3 preamp - Not really a fan of the tones I got out of it

Peavey VTM60 - Sold because I'm an idiot

Peavey Classic 50 - Still have

Peavey 5150 - Wrong sound for what I was doing at the time

Marshall TSL60 - Hated the footswitch, traded for Mesa F-100

Ampeg V5 - not really my thing, not enough gain but not clean either

ADA MP-1 - Wasn't really into racks at the time

Rocktron Chameleon - See above

Marshall 9100 - Sounded great, {censored}ing weighed a metric ton

Traynor YCS100 - Jack of all trades, master of none

Fender Hot Rod Deville 4x12 - Lame OD, too ungainly to be portable

Carvin T100 - Still have

Carvin HT150 - Too SS for guitar use, not enough wattage for PA use

Mesa F-100 - Never really did what I wanted, traded for Mark III

Peavey VTM60 - Sold it...I'm a dumbass

Mesa Mark III - Had a Mark IV, so traded for a Dual Rec

Bogner Uberschall - too loose, smooth, traded for VH4

Carvin X60B - Cool amp, but wanted to try out other gear

Diezel VH4 - Too compressed, not my thing, traded for Rivera KR7

Peavey VTM 60 - Still have. Won't sell this time.

Uberschall Rev. Blue - Killer amp, but wanted to try out VHT - traded for VHT UL

Mesa Dual Rec - Traded for Roter Custom 7-string

Mark IV - Still have

Rivera KR7 - Still have, but up for SPAM...I just like my UL better

VHT UL - Bestest map evarr.

Peavey 5150 - Still have.

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fender fm212r, good for a first amp but its solid state and has a shitty drive channel


peavey classic 30, good for when i went through my blues phase but can't do the BROOTLZ! :thu:


vox student, it's my dads amp, while it does nail the vox tone it's tranny is going bad so i can't use it for long periods of time. :facepalm:

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Traynor YGM-3: Sold, looking for a new amp. :facepalm: Totally should have kept it.


5150 Combo: Sold to buy some car parts. That was a HUGE mistake.


Traynor YCV40: Wasn't loud enough, needed 80watts


Traynor YCV80 212: I quit my job during college and couldnt afford to keep it.


Pod 2.0: Not really an amp, but was great for compositions, recording to PC etc.. Sold and went drinking lol.. Was sick of the thing anyways..


Crate SS 65W: Was ok, but had no power to keep up with a drummer.


Peavey Vypyr Tube 60: Shit amp. Sold, getting a vox.



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1986 to 1996

Peavy Backstage Plus combo

KMD something or other combo

Fender Dual Reverb combo


1996 to 2005

Mesa Dual Rectifier (2 Channel)


2005 (discovered guitar message boards)

Line 6 Flextone III XL combo

Peavy 5150 combo

Peavy 6505+

Bogner Uberschall



ENGL Powerball

Line 6 Vetta II combo

Peavy 6505 (FJA modded)

Diezel Herbert (Still Own)

Roland Cube 60

ENGL Fireball



VHT Ultra-Lead

VHT Deliverance 120

Mesa Roadster


EVH 5150 III

Rivera Knuckhead Tre

VHT Deliverance 60



ENGL Fireball

Splawn Nitro

Mesa Roadster


Soldano Avenger

Mesa Mark IV

Bogner Ecstasy 101B

VHT Deliverance 60

Custom Audio Amplifiers OD100 SE+

Bogner Uberschall

ENGL Fireball

Diezel VH4



Splawn Nitro

Bogner Ecstasy 101B

Mesa Mark V

Wizard Modern Classic

ENGL Fireball 100

Bogner Uberschall Twin Jet

VHT Deliverance 60

Baron K88 with Dual Gain



Axe FX (still own)

ART SLA-2 (still own)

Fryette 2/50/2 (still own)

Fryette 2/90/2 (still own)

Marshall JMP 2204 - Cameron Jose Mod

Bogner Uberschall Rev. Blue (still own)

Mako Mak 4 Pre-amp (coming soon)

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Rage 158, eventually imploded into a black hole of suck that fortunately kept its suckage from ever leaking into our universe again, well at least from that particular portal. This amp made me a confirmed Peavy h8r for most of my musical life.


Crate GXL1500 or something like that 1/2 stack. Had this amp for a long ass time, served me good enough for my purposes with my SansAmp infront of it, and AD9 for a little extra depth. Traded it down the line for...


Fender London Reverb 2x12. Two channels, with luscious SS Fender clean + Fender reverb, and the gain channel was actually pretty good for a SS combo, especially with the 5 band graphic eq engaged. Traded this back for the Crate after I got my next amp, so I could trade the Crate for my EV12L 2x12 that I still have today. The same Crate came back into my possession a third time for absolutely free, and I used it for a while with both the Yamaha, and the Mesa in a wet/dry rig.


Yamaha T100C, got this because it was too good a deal to pass up (It was around $375 or so that I paid for it iirc). I had wanted a tube amp with a real Celestion for the longest time, and attach the Soldano name to it and my then tube newb ass was sold. This I traded in towards my...


Mesa Tremoverb. Ordered it brand new in '96, and it's been my main amp ever since.


Pignose, got it as a present, luv it, still have it, never sell it. It's funky, and that's ok by me.


KMD XV100SD, got this for practically free. I had to twist my buddies arm to take $50 from me after I asked him how much he wanted for it (it was holding up his TV). Came loaded with brand new 6550 tubes and a preamp full of RCA 12ax7. :love:

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fender hot rod deluxe-had this for several years with pedas for dirt and was my first amp. changed the baffle to a 2x10.


line 6 flextone 3-got in a groupl bundle on ebay, really was just wanting the guitar that came with it. sold the amp and it payed for the guitar:)


peavey tripple xxx 212 combo-liked this one but in the end wasn't versatile enough for me


fender blues junior with bill m mods- didn't like this amp at all, very boxy sounding


peavey classic 30- liked this one also but traded for some other gear. (put in a 12h30:eek:)


mesa stilleto- stage 1 with fluid drive mod, still have this and love it


egnater renegade- still have this and its awesome.


orange tiny terror-actually just traded this week. good amp but the...........


vox night train- suits me needs a little better.

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Carvin MTS- loved the cleans. Hated the distortion channel wasn't clean enough sounding and the bass was too loose.


Peavey rockmaster x2- It was just about there but never quite got it right. Clean sucked.


Peavey vtm 60- I still have it.


tech 21 triac- sounds too smooth and the clean sucks.


ampeg ss 70- sounded like a cheap ss amp. Give it to a firend


Pod xt- sold it because it sounded like a digital preamp.


gsp 1101- replaced the pod for multi effects and modeling.


Marshall jmp-1- still have it want to sell it. Just not a fan of marshall tone I guess.

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lessee. some random bass amp. horrible. probably in the third world.

gorilla 20 watter. undoubtedly rotting in a dump someplace in pennsylvania farmland.

yamaha practice amp- possibly being used to broadcast bingo numbers at a pensioners home in lancashire, england.

peavey 212 combo- holding up a collection of pornography in munhall, pennsylvania and stencilled with the logo of some metal band. probably broken. covered in dust.

laney AOR100- raided for carcass, which was thrown into a dumpster and covered by french fry grease and meat scraps. the box has been converted to a toolbox by an one armed carpenter named guido, although his name is really frank.

mesa boogie .50 cal.- now being played by a dude with a mullet somewhere in the DC region. he is unemployable, and has consummately poor taste in footwear and lives with his parents at age 52.

mesa boogie .22 cal. this i actually know where it turned up, and it is playing metal riffage from the 80's regionally. not horribly concerned.



there's a few more. i haven't a clue where they are, but i hope they are happy and somewhat fulfilled.

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First real amp was a 50 watt JCM 800 and I got rid of it cause I couldn't get a grinding metal tone out of it. :facepalm:

I know. Didn't know it needed to be louder than the TV, didn't know to boost it. Wish I still had it now.


Boogie mk3 - great lead sound, good cleans, scooped rhythms. Kept getting drowned out at practice.


Triaxis - more bells and whistles than I knew what to do with.


Discovered the Internet - learned how to dial in an amp and picked up my Cobra and 6505. Don't need anything else!



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Lab Series L7....dammit...thought I needed to GET RID of it to get a tube amp. Duh. Wish I still had it. Played that thing for 15 years.


Fender Super 60. Red Knob. My first tube amp. Had no clue. Cleans were 'different' and the distorNOT sucked. Dumped it for a....


Mid 90's Tweed Fender Blues Deville. Playing country at the time. Played that amp in 46 states and Mexico. A damn workhorse deluxe. Perfect for the gig. Constant compliments on my tone. Thousands of gigs over 8 year period. Stupidly dumped it for a...


Peavey Tubefex and a Mesa 50/50 into a Marshall 4x12. Out of the country business and playing in a regional cover act. 311, Bizkit, Rage, and that rig RAWKED. Recorded extremely well and was EXACTLY what I wanted for that gig.


Picked up a early 90's Mesa Dual Rec Tremoverb combo and it has just taken over. Best thing I have ever owned.


Over the years I have picked up and kept a Peavey Classic 30 for small gigs and jazz gigs, a Fender Blues Deluxe reissue, and a Line6 Flextone III for low rent cover gigs (and direct out studio stuff).


Over the last 20 years I have picked up and dumped:

Several Peavey Bandits

Peavey Stereo Chorus 212

Sovtek Mig50

Sovtek tube Midget combo

Egnater Tourmaster combo

Marshall TSL head

Line 6 Spider Valve 100 (mk 1) head

Peavey VTM120 head (dammit...shoulda kept)

Rivera R series 5512 (shoulda kept too)

A Mesa V-Twin Pre

A Rocktron VuDu Valve Pre

A Peavey 50/50 power amp

Some crappy Rocktron combo

Dumble OD 50....:lol::lol::lol:

and a few others I can't remember....


I just picked up a Rivera tsl-1 rack deal recently and I am in tweak with it right now. Really digging it. Stereo freak out deluxe:thu:

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