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Do you believe in an afterlife/heaven/hell? If so where are you headed?


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You should start a Viking church and wear the hat with the horns....



MMM as much whisky as I can drink...

Take any woman I want... any time

Go fishing and purging with the boys (after whisky and women)...

Scream and yell a lot...

The harder you "bizzerk "

The more chance you have of doing it in the after life...



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I heard that some people think that the mind has quantum interactions.. If you google "quantum mind" you will come up with all kinds of stuff.. There are some quantum physicists who think that this quantum interaction can explain consciousness and our perception of time / space.. It could also show that the "us" part of our consciousness could exist in a quantum "realm" outside of the physical realm.. The body / brain would be a living "adapter" so to speak so that beings in a non-physical (quantum) realm can interact in the physical realm..

I can prove non of that...

It's fun to think about though..


Meh, that's a lot of mumbo jumbo on top of nonsense. Most quantum physicists are extremely frustrated with all of the "pop-" philosophy that has appeared due to quantum mechanics where very smart philosophers are duped into saying some pretty dumb things mostly because they don't have enough math or physics to understand the questions they're asking.


For example, suggesting there is anything "non-physical" about quantum mechanics or the "quantum realm" (which quite literally means phenomenon that happen on such a small scale that we're past the classical limit and must describe matter and energy as interacting through functions which describe discrete states-- translation, {censored} happening that's really really small so our normal equations don't work as well) is total nonsense.

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MMM as much whisky as I can drink...

Take any woman I want... any time

Go fishing and purging with the boys (after whisky and women)...

Scream and yell a lot...

The harder you "bizzerk "

The more chance you have of doing it in the after life...



:lol: I think there's a lot of people already doing that.. Just add the Valhalla thing....

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Of course I don't believe in any of that stuff. The evidence for it is extraordinarily weak to begin with, the evidence has been defeated, and the arguments on behalf of any sort of religious worldview are just plain dreadful. (FWIW, I just taught a philosophy of religion class last semester, so you can bet I just read the best stuff anyone has ever written in favor of the contrary point of view.)


The question of whether there's an afterlife is an easy one--the answer is no--and the fact that many people think it's a hard or unanswerable question doesn't make it a hard question. It just makes them bad at philosophy.

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Of course I don't believe in any of that stuff. The evidence for it is extraordinarily weak to begin with, the evidence has been defeated, and the arguments on behalf of any sort of religious worldview are just plain dreadful. (FWIW, I just taught a philosophy of religion class last semester, so you can bet I just read the best stuff anyone has ever written in favor of the contrary point of view.)

The question of whether there's an afterlife is an easy one--the answer is no--and the fact that many people think it's a hard or unanswerable question doesn't make it a hard question. It just makes them bad at philosophy.



On this one I have to say-- I hate that I agree with you. I really don't want to, and I think that's all it comes down to for most of us.

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I think that it is interesting that none of the other "There is a heaven and hell, and I'm going to heaven" people have posted.. I am sure MissingAString and a few others would post as well if they were around.. Many Christians will not voice their opinions as they don't want to get ran over by those with opposing views.. I work with an atheist who is very outspoken about his views, and I have had to go back and decide why I believe what I believe.. I came out the other end still believing..

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I think that it is interesting that none of the other "There is a heaven and hell, and I'm going to heaven" people have posted.. I am sure MissingAString and a few others would post as well if they were around.. Many Christians will not voice their opinions as they don't want to get ran over by those with opposing views.. I work with an atheist who is very outspoken about his views, and I have had to go back and decide why I believe what I believe.. I came out the other end still believing..



I hope not based on quantum mechanics.


I can't reconcile what I want the world to be, what I feel the world is, and what I know the world is very well at this moment. Good thing I'm young. But if you're looking to science or philosophy at ALL to confirm your belief, you're probably operating on some misinformation or misunderstanding.

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I think that it is interesting that none of the other "There is a heaven and hell, and I'm going to heaven" people have posted.. I am sure MissingAString and a few others would post as well if they were around.. Many Christians will not voice their opinions as they don't want to get ran over by those with opposing views.. I work with an atheist who is very outspoken about his views, and I have had to go back and decide why I believe what I believe.. I came out the other end still believing..




That's the one problem I have with my fellow atheists, an alarming number of them are militant, intolerant, hypocritical dicks about it, all while having the balls to incessantly whine and bitch about the alleged intolerance and bigotry of Christians.


I have a LOT of Christian friends as well as atheist friends, and by far, at least in my experience, they're the more "live & let live" of the two.


I think that has a lot to do with the residual disillusionment and anger a lot of atheists have after coming to terms with God being a myth, along with any sort of afterlife. I mean, think about it, who WANTS to believe that when we die, we just become an empty, moldering sack of meat and bones in the ground and that's pretty much the end of our consciousness? Given our insane human nature, it's pefectly reasonable to see how this would cause bitterness, resentment and a subconscious envy toward those who are still able to convince themselves of the existence of God and an afterlife.


I'll be the first to say I'd love nothing more than to be able to convince myself of the existence of the Magical Cloud Guy & his band of merry angels, and I've actually tried really hard to MAKE myself believe it over the years, but I'm just too fascinated by science, psychology and trying to understand how our universe works to be able to ignore the evidence to the contrary.

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I hope not based on quantum mechanics.

I can't reconcile what I want the world to be, what I feel the world is, and what I know the world is very well at this moment. Good thing I'm young. But if you're looking to science or philosophy at ALL to confirm your belief, you're probably operating on some misinformation or misunderstanding.


No, most of it is subjective, but there are some objective considerations, but I don't want to get into a crap-fest.. :thu:

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That's the one problem I have with my fellow atheists, an alarming number of them are militant, intolerant, hypocritical dicks about it, all while having the balls to incessantly whine and bitch about the alleged intolerance and bigotry of Christians.

I have a LOT of Christian friends as well as atheist friends, and
by far
, at least in my experience, they're the more "live & let live" of the two.


I think it shows a lot of character for you to say this.. I am sure that the militant athiests will not agree.. :lol:


I also see that a lot of atheists are extreme in their convictions while claiming they have no beliefs about it.. :facepalm:

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Where's the choice "I don't know?". If you are a logical thinking human being, this should be the only choice anyway.




In a way, you're right.


The part where you're right about it is that since there is no irrefutable scientific proof that the Big Bang wasn't caused by some sort of omnipotent deity we haven't even conceived of yet, it would technically be illogical and therefore bad science to summarily rule out the possibility.


As far as the whole Judeo-Christian/Muslim mythologies and Biblical/Qur'an accounts go though, it's pretty cut and dry.

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I think it shows a lot of character for you to say this.. I am sure that the militant athiests will not agree..

I also see that a lot of atheists are extreme in their convictions while claiming they have no beliefs about it..


I know a lot of atheists and this doesn't desribe them at all. The ones I associate with are more intelligent professional people though. Sounds more like a problem on that front than on the religious one. Also what beliefs do atheists have? Please explain.

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I think it shows a lot of character for you to say this.. I am sure that the militant athiests will not agree..

I also see that a lot of atheists are extreme in their convictions while claiming they have no beliefs about it..


I totally disagree. And in fact, it's sentences like the last one (the old rhetorical trick of equating rationalist approaches with belief) that I think drives me off a cliff. I'm pretty sure that I cannot deny the feeling that there is something more, and I struggle with this question all the time. I have deeply explored my own religion and frequently claim to believe in God, actually, though I am struggling more and more with that claim. The truth is, I never get "militant" with my beliefs until I hear folks claiming they've got the backing of {censored} that has nothing to say in support of their faith.


More than that, I've been exposed to far more proselytizing by Christians than an intellectual debate about God with atheists. If your experience is different, I'd have to question why you keep finding yourself in those discussions.


Hint: Claiming that gaps in science continue to create a space for God is a good way to make a lot of ears perk up and people shake their heads.

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In a way, you're right.

The part where you're right about it is that since there is no irrefutable scientific proof that the Big Bang
caused by some sort of omnipotent deity we haven't even conceived of yet, it would technically be illogical and therefore bad science to summarily rule out the possibility.

As far as the whole Judeo-Christian/Muslim mythologies and Biblical/Qur'an accounts go though, it's pretty cut and dry.



If you leave subjective experience out, everyone would probably be an agnostic as it is not objectively verifiable in the sense that would satisfy the skeptic..

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i think getting to the REAL people in power and i do mean Real not your politicians or power suits but the ones that control the global finance markets. Those are the ones with an Agenda and you would also be very interested in what they do behind closed doors .We are merely the players were as these power hungry bastards are the manipulators and keep us busy arguing between ourselves .Dangling that forever unattainable carrot that keeps society at bay and away from the real {censored} that's going down

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Hint: Claiming that gaps in science continue to create a space for God is a good way to make a lot of ears perk up and people shake their heads.



Sure, if you're trying to make God fit into science. He won't.


I do believe, though, that it's entirely possible to believe in God without denying the truth of scientific knowledge. They occupy separate domains. You only run into trouble if you believe in the literal truth of a thousands-year-old text written by multiple authors in multiple voices over thousands of years and translated from different sources into languages it was never intended to be read in.

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If you leave subjective experience out, everyone would probably be an agnostic as it is not objectively verifiable in the sense that would satisfy the skeptic..



Sounds mostly right to me. Then it depends on whether you think that it's worth being skeptical about.


I'm starting to lose the skeptical part slowly and it sucks.

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