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Convincing a girl to get an abortion

mike moriarty

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Im working on the psychological thing now. Telling her how it will {censored} up her schooling, how nobody will want to date a pregnant chick, shes going to get fat etc. Its working a little bit. She said maybe. Im trying to be nice and kiss her ass as much as possible but I am ready to flip my {censored}ing lid.

um ... murder/suicide. or just suicide ? i dunno .. :badump:

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Man up and start saving money. Pay to play just cost you.



Also incorrect. She can choose to not have an abortion, that is her right and her responsibility. Mike can also choose to not have a child. This is his right and his responsibility to choose. We have a very one sided law system in North America that obligates a man to pay for his kids upbringing, but what if he doesn't want the kid?


The basic, most mutually assured and socially responsible way to approach this is that it's two lives with a single consequence on either side of the decision making process. Mike has ZERO obligation to be a father if he does not want a kid. This kid does not own him because he busted a nut prema or the condom broke or her birth control failed.


Choice is CHOICE, and it isn't a one sided reality.



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Are you {censored}ing
, man?!

You gloss yourself with a "Good Will 2 U" moniker, then apparently strive with each new post to prove yourself the exact antithesis of the "good will" you purport to spread and you have the BALLS to wonder why you're continually called on it, and not just by me?! REALLY?! 'Nother

As for your imaginary "vendetta", don't flatter yourself. If anything, I restrain myself more often than not from rubbing your nose in your routinely colossal hypocrisy, saving my commentary for only the choicest nuggets of your
sanctimony, which are, admittedly, in no short supply. Still, that's hardly
fault, is it?

If you'd been paying attention, you'd have noticed by now that even though I'm a complete non-believer, I can frequently be found in the odd position of defending Christians during our inevitable, regularly-scheduled religious flame war debates, but YOU are the very type of self-righteous, judgemental, sanctimonious windbag that the hardline atheists are usually on about, and the kind that drives people away from organized religion in DROVES. In short, you do NOTHING to exemplify the ideals of Christianity you purport yourself to live by, especially that "good will" mockery of a handle of yours, and generally come off like a haughty, ill-tempered, perennially-butthurt wet blanket.

If you're truly that disturbed by the reflection in the mirror I'm holding up in front of you, I have two suggestions. First, try just for once actually practicing what you {censored}ing preach, I promise you that alone would make a HUGE difference. Second, just go on being the intolerant, sanctimonious curmudgeon that you are and simply add me to your ignore list. I'm certain you'll find the second option
easier and more to your liking, though.

Third, you can go with another tactic I've seen you employ, threatening people with forum rules violations and spamming the mods to get everyone bant who DARES to show the temerity to disagree with you or call you out on your bull{censored}.

Oh, and have a nice day!


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No seriously I {censored}ed up and knocked up this young 21 year old. Shes being an immature little bitch and wants to have it just to spite me.



You do realize that child's lifetime of future moments far outweighs your momentary inconvenience, and to cover your own stupid ass mistake you are willing to erase this being's entire future of possibilities, of moments of immense joy and love, achievement, and those of every other being they might themselves bring into existence, children, grand children, etc..., you are willing to do that simply to avoid taking responsibility for a situation you created.


I'll tell you that often when you look at another child you're going to wonder about what your life would have been like, and what that child's life would have been like, and probably suffer heart rending sadness and guilt.


And no, I'm not a bible thumping christian, I'm an atheist, Philosophical Taoist to be exact, and in that spirit I feel the child in her is part of our reality, and now you are letting your attachments to your present being blind you to the possibilities of rolling with this circumstance the 10,000 things have laid on your plate. Use it to move forward, make your world larger (as in extending past your selfish needs), and maybe find the path you're meant to be on.

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