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WOT: how do you lock a fridge


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hmm, that is true. have you tried beating him op?

I can't do it. I'm so angry it would be a serious smack down. But maybe a calm and well balanced spanking when I calm the {censored} down would not be a bad idea. Problem is, I WON'T calm down until I get more noodles and the place is closed :mad:

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You could use one of the electric dog dollars or you could pull a Terry Tate.


Catch him off guard when he goes to the fridge. *Tackle* "Stop eating your dad's leftovers! WooWooo!"

He should be left wondering wtf just happened.

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If you're serious about saving certain items from your kids, you're better off getting a separate fridge and keeping it in an area that you have control over. Believe me, I know how you feel, I've got 3 daughters and two of them have ransacked my fridge on many occasion.


To help you feel better, my Mom made a 10lb rib roast for Christmas and we probably ate about 4lbs for dinner (6 of us). My Mom always gives us the left overs, so we had a good 5-6lbs left over. My wife cut everything up that night and by 3:00pm the next day there was barely enough to cover a piece of bread. Kids are {censored}ing food vacuum cleaners without a conscience, they will eat like a locust and not give a {censored}. Stash your {censored}!!!

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oh no, i think its one of those fat kids.


when i was a kid, if it wasn't a hamburger, hot dog, or chicken finger, i wouldnt eat it most likely


i aint dissing the kid thoug. maybe hes just been exposed to a lot of different cuisines and good food. and is fat. or not. IDK pls dont flame

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oh no, i think its one of those fat kids.

when i was a kid, if it wasn't a hamburger, hot dog, or chicken finger, i wouldnt eat it most likely

i aint dissing the kid thoug. maybe hes just been exposed to a lot of different cuisines and good food. and is fat. or not. IDK pls dont flame

no he's not fat at all. Sometimes I wish he were so maybe he would think about going on a diet and leave my leftovers alone :lol:

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After having 3 sons, forget it. They figure out how to get in no matter what. Kids are like hyena's ! Scavenger little f**ks.

My oldest just got his own apt and is complaining his gf friends come over and eat his food.

You and his GF, and hell, even his mom, should just go into his apt one day when you know he had leftoveres from the night before, and just start eating it all. It's better if you have the keys and just walk in with the express purpose of eating food with little to no warning or even greeting him when you enter.

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like REALLY lock it so no one can open without a key.

I'm done with my kid stealing all my awesome leftovers.

First of all:
My kids get the best part of everything.
Since they`re my offspring.

Get a lockable box and put the awesome leftovers into it. Put the box into the fridge. Your kid should be able to get some other food, even if your precious leftovers are off-limits :D

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