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Kim Kardashian's new single...


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Does anyone else find it weird that it sounds like it starts in the middle of the song and just kind of.....stays that way 'till the end?



I think this is sort of what I was feeling, explained differently.


I think basically, some generic producer was instructed to make pop noises while KK spoke generic lyrics, and this came about. Kind of just like that.


It's as DGAF as punk rock, only it is everything punk hates.

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I find this kind of {censored} insulting to those of us who spend years up years writing our own music and constantly improving our skills. She's another pretty face surrounded by people who constantly try to shove her image in our faces and the simpletons of the world lap it up.

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Does anyone else find it weird that it sounds like it starts in the middle of the song and just kind of.....stays that way 'till the end?



According to the lyrics posted in the description of the video, the actual song isn't like that. The rip is just crap and starts at around verse 2.


And wow, what a terribly generic and boring piece of music.

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Wow, that was bad. I don't like it when a movie star, or really any non-musician, gets to just pass Go and head straight to the recording booth but often it's not as bad as you'd think. By that I mean it doesn't sound any worse than the pop crap from "actual" musicians.


But that... that was truly awful. Like has been said it sounds like she's bored and doesn't even want to be there. Why did the song start so many bars in?


Also: God damn it I'm getting tired of hearing s**t like, "From legendary producer" or "Producer 'X' has 'Y' number of number 1 hits" when they produce the same BS drum machine club garbage over and over. Who the mother f**k can't do that? It's so easy! To pretend that these producers have even an ounce of musical creativity is laughable.

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lol at people who still listen to pop radio music.



this, the only radio i even touch these days is oldies:thu:


boy wouldnt it be nice to have money tho, and at least get something out on the waves that could be as easily made by sitting on the {censored}ter with a drum machine and guitar

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