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Plugged into my QR tonight and...........


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Was just hating it. Seems lifeless, gainless and flat out dry. Had to boost channel 3 with an OCD just to get some poop on the thing. Its just so......dry.


My ears may have been poisoned by the 6505+ which is anything but dry. After playing the 6505+ for a few hours I am convinced that the QR I have either has functional issues or I was just not made for the QR.


Very disappointed. :confused:

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Sounds like the QR is just not for you. I have both the amps, love them both, and could not image life with out them. That being said, I find that the quickrod requires the right guitar/pickup/cab/speaker combo to sound perfect. I am running my with an Edwards e-lp 98LTC with a Motor City Detroiter through my splawn cab with small blocks and big blocks. Personally with this set up, my quickrod makes my 5150 II sound about like a toy when my other guitar player uses it. But it's all apples and oranges!

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My first impression with a QR was that it was a very stiff, dry and unforgiving amp at low volumes, but is very fun and easy to play when you can crank it.


Didn't they end up doing an effects loop mod or something that fixes this?

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Well, revisited the QR this evening and cranked it up way more than usual. The loop volume kills the tone. I understand why its there but for the amp to sound its best then the loop volume must be open all the way.


I was messing with gear 1 OD1 and I happened to hit my OCD and it sounded fantastic. I never got further than that. Never even went to gear 2 or 3. Gear 1 unboosted gives you a nice dirty tone and a ferocious sound when you boost it.


I then plugged into the 6505+and put the OCD in front of that. Too much hair and too much gain. I put my Analogman Maxon OD9 back in front of the 6505+ and it sounded great. That was fun for a bit but I decided to plug back into QR and put some chorus and delay on and jam to some Ozzy and I have been Barking at the moon in gear 1 ever since.

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I do the same thing with my 5150 and Mark III. The Mark sounds so little, dry, and well... 80's, lol. after playing the 5150. Same basic thing you said.



I think that may be head on Shask. My mind remembers those 80's bands as having huge balls out stacks with tone for days but when you go back and listen to them they really are dated. The QR is great for a lot of things and anything 80's is part of that. Kill em all was recorded on a modded Marshall but in my mind they were playing amps with voicings that had not been invented yet.


Its just proof that sometime we only hear what we want to hear.

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