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female to female audio couplers PLATE


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I have about 12 female to female audio couplers , i tried velcoing them to a woodboard , but since the female to female audio couplers are circle its really hard to make them stay on and not move


How can i put these audio couplers better on a woodboard or a JACK plate u think?


(( i don't want to drill holes into a piece of wood or metal plate i would like either to buy it done or think of some other way of making the audio couplers grouped to a object))

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You could epoxy pairs of couplers together. Then they aren't circular, but they are still highly rearrangeable. And in pairs (looks like figure-8 viewed from the end) they'll be stable enough to velcro down.


Alternatively, you could drill 1/8" holes adjacent to each coupler, and feed zipties through the wood base. That'll hold more securely than velcro.

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