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How to keep my sanity?


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There's no good reason to start smoking brah.


Drinking won't bring sanity into your life.


If your job sucks, try to get a different one.


IMO try to start exercising if you don't already and maybe find other hobby?


What's driving the sanity out of your life?

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well my latest few years have been


1. get job

2. hate it and drink

3. quit job

4. quit drinking



now i'm back at square one, but i think i've matured enough to cope, the company seems more organized anyway so hopefully no more bull{censored}

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i am not trying to be "that guy" but man if you hate your job that much you should find another. life is too short to be miserable for that many hours a day no matter how much money you make. i have had {censored}ty jobs i liked bc of the people and {censored}ty jobs i hated, and good jobs i hated but loved the money - none of them made me happy though. now i finally have a good job that i love and i have never been happier.


you gotta try a whole bunch of stuff out before you find the right one and its not going to be easy but it sure beats hating your life because your job is killing you.



oh yeah and i am strong supporter of options 1 & 2 as well

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