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So what's your guys take on Israel vs Iran? Is this the big 2012 thing?

Tommy Horrible

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{censored} those {censored}ing assholes...we need to get the {censored} out of there,let them do their thing,tap into out own {censored}ing oil reserves or start buying from argentina...let them blow each other of the face of the earth.



You do know that the U.S. doesn't have enough oil reserves to last a year right?


The Middle East tension is really such a shame. The jews and the muslims were getting along so well until Zeynab bint Al-Harith cooked dinner for Muhammad. Unless you count the previous 3 years of assasination, attacks and killing of the jews. But, that was all 1384 years ago, water under the bridge, water under the bridge.

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Iran should have nuclear bombs if it wants to! Who are we to say they can't?



Srsly, that has to be the most liberal, pantywasted, limp wristed, tree hugging, do gooder, drive a slow ass hybrid car, lie about liking tofu to your meat eating friends, MSNBC watching, uber politically correct comment I've ever heard on the maps forum. I don't make that statement lightly as I've been on here since 1999.


Of course they shouldn't have nuclear weapons. The rest of the non-muslim free world pretty much only {censored}s with people that {censored} with them or {censored} with their intests. We don't start {censored} just to start {censored}. They go out of their way to kill innocent people for fun. Tap Tap Tap (on your head) ... is this thing on ?? So, please tell me again why they should be allowed to have nuke's ?

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Srsly, that has to be the most liberal, pantywasted, limp wristed, tree hugging, do gooder, drive a slow ass hybrid car, lie about liking tofu to your meat eating friends, MSNBC watching, uber politically correct comment I've ever heard on the maps forum. I don't make that statement lightly as I've been on here since 1999.

Of course they shouldn't have nuclear weapons. The rest of the non-muslim free world pretty much only {censored}s with people that {censored} with them or {censored} with their intests. We don't start {censored} just to start {censored}. They go out of their way to kill innocent people for fun. Tap Tap Tap (on your head) ... is this thing on ?? So, please tell me again why they should be allowed to have nuke's



I don't normally do this, but your facts are {censored}ed. You've been misinformed and misled. I also don't agree with the guy you're calling out, but the basic notion of sovereignty actually supports his statement, i.e. if Iran is a sovereign state, then Iran has exclusive control over itself.

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Also, this thread is increasing in levels of {censored}ing retarded by the second.


Well, the OP put "Is this the big 2012 thing?" in the title, I mean, how did you expect this to go? :lol:


Oh, and Iran having nukes would be a BAD THING but its also pretty much an inevitable thing. The Israelis ain't gonna be able to blow up scientists fast enough to stop them.


Do I foresee an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facility? They did it once, I think they'll do it again unless something equally drastic happens to forestall it. Am I concerned they would resort to using a small tactical nuke if they thought that was the only way to get the job done? While I think the chance of it happening is small, I also think its been realistically discussed.

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I'm sure there is a very good chance that Israel will attack Iran in the spring; this should definitely cause the Iranian Goverment to reconsider their stance on vowing to destroy Israel.
Peace in the middle east has always been and will always be again, some day soon.



Taking a page from the Japanese strategy book circa 1941 eh?

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That's a side show for what's really brewing over there.

I think we'll see bigger problems from Afgh/Pakistan. That's going to {censored} India up and then {censored} will intensify more than anything we've seen.

I don't see Iran as the threat more than I do a precursor. Unless the current Iraq govt interferes with our stalemate situation of Iran/Iraq, look to see more from the other regions.

There's your WWIII

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