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Looking for some amp advice.

Phil Jacques

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Hey guys, I am looking for a little direction for a head.


My father is wanting me to play in his band with him since they can not find a second guitarist worth a damn in our area, but I really do not feel like using my Framus Cobra for it, nor do I feel like it would really fit in. They play music more along the lines of Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Alice in Chains, Gary Moore and Soundgarden/Temple of the Dog.


I still have my old Marshall 1960B cab so I planned to use that but was looking for a decent head that I could pick up easily off ebay or these forums that won't break the bank. Obviously looking for something all tube. I had looked into the possibility of a DSL or TSL JCM2000 as they seem fairly inexpensive and very much available in large numbers on ebay, but I have really never looked for anything other than a screaming high gain amp and am a little clueless on what's out there.


I have always been a fan of Jerry Cantrell's tone so something in that realm would do well but I know the Bogner stuff he uses is still fairly pricy used.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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the price to quality ratio with mako amps is outrageously good. andrew is buiding these amps by hand and has the best attention to detail and pride in his work i have ever seen. when he gets more well known they will be 3-4 times their current prices easy.

obvious fanboi is obvious but look at some gut shots of his amps, dude is a genius.

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DSL over the TSL for sure, TSL is too thin. What's your budget? I know Shivas pop up here and there for 1200, you could also look into the rivera R series but those usually come in combo form as opposed to the head version. JCA50 or 100 would be a solid choice too.

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Yarbicus, what differences other than a Depth knob and half power switch does the HDM have over the H? Honestly, if I want to play anything on the heavier side I have my Framus Cobra and such for that (keep an eye out, going to post a rig build thread soon as it's almost ready).


I just don't know how much of the depth knob I would ever use or how often I would use the 1/2 power switch... I'll look into it more but I think I may just stick with the JCA100H

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Yarbicus, what differences other than a Depth knob and half power switch does the HDM have over the H? Honestly, if I want to play anything on the heavier side I have my Framus Cobra and such for that (keep an eye out, going to post a rig build thread soon as it's almost ready).

I just don't know how much of the depth knob I would ever use or how often I would use the 1/2 power switch... I'll look into it more but I think I may just stick with the JCA100H



Sounds like you know what you need then. If you don't need the extras then get the regular 100H. TBH if you don't need to the extras, then just get the 50H.

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