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Help me decide... DSL100 or JCA100HDM?

Phil Jacques

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I posted up a bit ago looking for an amp and a LOT of people suggested the JCA100H or JCA100HDM. I found a GC in Boston that had the JCA100HDM so I went and checked it out. It's a real nice amp, however some of the other suggestions intrigued me. The main one was a Marshall DSL100


I just want to know from user experience the pro's and con's of each amp.


The biggest thing I am looking for is a nice punchy bottom and clarity and something that can do the Alice in Chains sound REALLY well.


FWIW this amp will be going through a 1960B with V30s and G12T75s in an X. And the guitar is a Fender Strat with a single Seymour JB in the bridge.



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Both of those will get you the Alice in Chains sound. The JCA will be tighter without a boost, and have more usable gain on tap. The JB sounds awesome through this amp.



The Marshall is currently on my 'might buy' list because of the JCA's FX loop. I'm running a lot of delays/reverbs/chorus lately so having an instrument level FX loop is a must (the JCA is line/rack level, you'll experience volume drops with a lot of pedals).

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My Framus Cobra gave me that same battle with the FX loop but since I only use a few pedals with it, i just threw them in front and it sounds perfectly fine.


With the Marshall or JCA I may run an EQ to color the clean ch a little bit more, a Wah and a Boost. Other than a Noise Gate really nothing else. I could probably get away with throwing all of that right infront of the amp without much issue.

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i'd go with the jca, the DSL is a great amp they just never inspired me much. For an AIC type sound it's a tough call, the AIC used bogner modded marshalls in the early days and fish pre-amps. I'd venture to say the JCA is better for AIC because it will be more modern sounding than the DSL, but at the same time the DSL may get you there with a boost.

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i really wish I had a chance to sit down with one of each and A/B it into my cab and decide from there.


The FX loop thing should be easily fixable either way with an EBTech Line Level Shifter. but other than that it's a real tough call. I tried to find well recorded audio demos of people playing AiC with a DSL but there really is nothing.

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I like my DSL100 but the reverb is lowsy. As long as you know that and get a coup,a of JJ and tung sol 12ax7 tubes it brings it and has tons of different tones.


It's not perfect and not a boutique but crank it and you'll feel the tone all over!

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See I really liked the Facelift tone which is what got me thinking of a Marshall. I figured if I put a choke and mercs in it, it might really focus the amp a lot more and really make it worth getting a marshall. Truth be told, I have NEVER enjoyed the tone of Marshall's. I had a JCM900 4100, JCM800 2210 and a JMP-1 setup and none of them ever pleased my ears. I am willing to give one another chance IF I will be able to get what I am looking for out of it. The JCA really was not too impressive to me for what it was all hyped up to be when I tried it, but then again I wasn't really able to play it with my guitar or cab. Just a 2x12 Marshall they had and an off the wall fat strat.

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I already have my 1960B that I was going to match with this using the G12T75s and V30s. I am going to stick with that. Other than that, I was going to just get a standard retube kit from Eurotubes. I always deal with Bob and he always gives me just what I ask for.

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If you have never liked Marshall tone then you won't like the DSL! You can change whatever you want to change with it, tubes, trannys, cabs, etc..it's a Marshall. For what it's worth I just got a Wampler Pinnacle distortion pedal and got a really believable AIC tone with it...through my DSL50! But again...it's a Marshall in a box pedal.

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Well as I stated. I have my Framus Cobra that I use in my regular band. But playing in an AIC type jam band, it makes more sense to have that particular sound. Marshall obviously is what Jerry started with. which is why it's even a consideration lol

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I would probably go with the JCA100 just because I haven't owned one yet...only issue I know of with the dsl/tsl amps is they had some cold solder points at the bias trims causing them to tubes drift out of control and redplate...

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No thanks. I am looking for a 100 watt head and the 100w 5150III at $1500 is out of my price range. I understand 50w vs 100w is "only" 3db, but 3db is a lot in the grand scheme of things. I use to run a Mesa 50 cal side by side with a friends 5150 and it just wouldn't cut through.

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Nerine, please elaborate a little please? I've tried both separately but haven't had much time to REALLY try and dial them in.


No problem.


I find the DSL to be a chunkier sounding amp.

As I said, I like the JC, and the tone is quite familiar to most modified Marshall type amps. Although it has it's own thing going on.

I dunno really. I think the DSL sounds more "real". After a while with the JC I can't help but feel a little bored or something. :idk:

Most guitars I have played through one have sounded like the amp as well.

Every guitar I have played through the DSL has sounded like the guitar more.


I have a JCM 800 and the DSL does a decent impersonation of one on the green channel with the crunch engaged, but the 800 is brighter and more open. I reckon. It's just a higher quality tone IMO


Don't get me wrong, I like the JC, but I just think the DSL, and even the 800 is more flexible and more versatile.

The JCA I think is always going to impart a lot of its own sound on proceedings. I like the sound it does, and the price is damn good too, but for my tastes, I the the DSL is more me.

I just prefer the sound of the DSL.

I tracked one the other day actually, and it sounded bloody great.

Last good design Marshall did.....

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