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Things I often wonder about...

Gary Cohn

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Do you ever wonder where all of our nuclear missile silos are?


Trips me out; I'm driving around and I wonder, "that 10x10 foot coffee stand looks suspicious, I wonder if a nuclear missile silo could be underneath it?"


Do you guys ever wonder where we've hidden our missile silos? Are they located in densely populated areas, or do you think there are farmers out there that have been told to stfu and have them tucked away on their farm?

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Truf, although I wouldn't exactly hold my breath on that one.

hai world, the united states are getting rid of our nuclear weapons, plz dn't shoot urs at us.





you know why we haven't been hit with a nuke?


because we have nukes. this world is about have vs have not. those that have, have power.

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Charlie: Excuse me, Lieutenant. Is there something wrong?

Maverick: Yes ma'am, the data on the MiG is inaccurate.

Charlie: How's that, Lieutenant?

Maverick: Well, I just happened to see a MiG 28 do a...

Goose: We!

Maverick: Uh, sorry, Goose. *We* happened to see a MiG 28 do a 4g negative dive.

Charlie: Where did you see this?

Maverick: Uh, that's classified.

Charlie: It's what?

Maverick: It's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.



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no ones pushing to disarm russia or china anymore.



ok so its just countries that dont have them yet who we are discouraging from getting them. either way its a lot like some rich person telling you that you cant buy a nice car as they speed away in theirs.

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ok so its just countries that dont have them yet who we are discouraging from getting them. either way its a lot like some rich person telling you that you cant buy a nice car as they speed away in theirs.


It's really the countries who openly express their desires to completely demolish the western world. What's the quickest way to do that? Nuke large metropolitan areas.


It's not that hard to understand. :idk:

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ok so its just countries that dont have them yet who we are discouraging from getting them. either way its a lot like some rich person telling you that you cant buy a nice car as they speed away in theirs.



Read up about the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.

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ok so its just countries that dont have them yet who we are discouraging from getting them. either way its a lot like some rich person telling you that you cant buy a nice car as they speed away in theirs.


just look at the regime running the countries we are trying to stop form getting nukes.



use your brain. this is the downfall of the world right here. no one uses their {censored}ing common sense.


we have them, other countries have them, but they have been smart enough not to use them.

they are pretty much a retaliation option for those who do have them. we haven't been under nuclear threat since cuba.

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Directly after the Japan attacks, I would agree. But since unstable governments now have their hands on the technology, and capability, I strongly disagree.



We won't evolve past the need for "mutually-assured destruction" until we evolve past the glorified monkey stage where we slaughter one another over everything from what version of "God" we pray to to who challenges our dominance as the top pack of monkeys. Sadly, this will most likely only ever happen when we're confronted with our own extinction as a species, an extinction we will most probably bring about ourselves. Humans, in spite of all our delusions and pretense of "civilization", are a fundamentally-insane and primitive species, still ultimately controlled and driven to genocide by the tribal monkey parts of our brains that served us well when we were still monkeys competing for the resources to survive. Sure, we've invented more clever sticks to bludgeon each other to death with, but ultimately, we're still the same knuckle-dragging, violent and paranoid apes.


Evolution tends not to be very kind to species that don't evolve, why should we be any different?


But at least I'm not cynical... :o

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The concept of the threat of mutually assured destruction is apparently lost on some people, it's seemed to work for most of the civilized nations who own them for the past oh what, 70 years or so now?


But yea, now that some 3rd world nations are starting to acquire them,(read: North Korean, Iran) we'll see how well this works out... I'm rather reluctant to see if the rag-heads over in the sandbox(or Kim Jong Un) are crazy (or stupid I should say) enough to push "the button" and doom us all.


Russian roulette anyone? :facepalm:

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The concept of the threat of mutually assured destruction is apparently lost on some people, it's seemed to work for most of the civilized nations who own them for the past oh what, 90 years or so now?

But yea, now that some 3rd world nations are starting to acquire them,(read: North Korean, Iran) we'll see how well this works out... I'm rather reluctant to see if the rag-heads over in the sandbox(or Kim Jong Un) are crazy (or stupid I should say) enough to push "the button" and doom us all.

Russian roulette anyone?

didn't we recently make a breakthrough with north korea?

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we have them, other countries have them, but they have been smart enough not to use them.

they are pretty much a retaliation option for those who do have them. we haven't been under nuclear threat since cuba.




Actually, the Russians, paranoid and 110% convinced that a war game we were playing was in fact REAL, and that we were GOING to launch a full-scale nuclear attack against them, almost launched a pre-emptive strike in 1983, and we didn't even know it until after the fact. We were MUCH closer to a nuclear holocaust then than we were during the Cuban missile crisis.

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Actually, the Russians, paranoid and convinced that a war game we were playing was in fact REAL, almost launched a pre-emptive strike in 1983, and we didn't even know it until after the fact. We were MUCH closer to a nuclear holocaust then than we were during the Cuban missile crisis.


and when they drop the bomb, we have an immediate counter attack, everyone wins.



speak of mutually assured destruction? nice story, tell it to readers digest.

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