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How would you cut neck wood ?


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I want to make my third neck. This one will have two exotic features I have not done before: tilted head stock and truss rods. The neck is for a Megatar like tapping guitar, 3.75 inches wide, 10 strings.


My problem is this: To cut the 13 degree angle at the top for the tilted headstock, I can just lay it on my table saw, but the blade isn't tall enough to cut thru 3.75 inches. Should I:

-cut as much as I can and hand saw the rest

-or cut from each side

-or make two half width necks and glue together

-or other idea


It will be important that these surfaces be cut uniformly at the same angle and I can see things going wrong with all of these

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I've seen table saw jigs used to slice off the scarf joints. I'm sure they save a lot of time in a production environment, but for a single neck it's not worth the effort. I used to use a backsaw to cut off the headstock like they do in the Cumpiano book, but anymore I just bandsaw it off and true up the joint with planes. It goes ridiculously fast anyway.

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Sounds like I need to learn how to use my planes. In the past I have always taken out a chunk with the plane, which created another problem to solve.


Definitely, hand planes are a great tool to have in the arsenal. Its well worth the time to learn how to setup, sharpen, and use them.

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Definitely, hand planes are a great tool to have in the arsenal. Its well worth the time to learn how to setup, sharpen, and use them.



So true. A plane needs to be damn sharp, and the depth has to be properly set to get good results. Technique in how you stroke the plane and attack the wood grain can also make a huge difference in results.

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