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Fryette = Best metal tone I've had


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Holy {censored}! I thought the $1000 I paid for my 50 CL was a pretty good deal



Just to be completely up front, it had a blown DC fuse, the previous owner had pulled the two inner power tubes, and the power cord was missing.


So, it took about $.50 worth of repairs (new fuse) to get it up and running. I had spare power cords. I also spent about $125 on new tubes (both pre and power), but they haven't come in yet. It does work fine with only two power tubes, but the A - AB switch on the back and the full/half power switch on the standby switch are rendered useless with only two tubes.

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the UL is more my style


Hey man I remember reading a thread on the sloclone forum where you participated and laid out some schematics in DWG for the D60. With which amp would you say the D60 relates more? (not just from the fryette family but as a design overall).


I remember the talk about the cathodyne PI and the pressence control going even further on the preamp but I don't have so much technical know-how so as to understand why exactly he went with that design. Some even criticized those choices. Loved it when they tried to understand if those weird triangles and shapes in the PCB actually did something in the circuit! Does the UL uses similar topologies?

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