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prefer one or like all?


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Been on a huge LP kick lately but I had a sweet session with my strat last night. Miss the {censored} out of the Tele I just shipped out and really want a SG and a gretsch hollowbody.


Do you mainly play one type of guitar or are you all over like me?


I don't think I could ever settle on just one guitar even if it was crazy good.

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i want them both

the LP is saweet man, we had a major bonding moment last practice.

i want a tele with a humbucker in the neck and a single coil in the bridge next, prolly butterscotch blonde or white

awesome dude, I'm glad you two are getting along :thu:

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I grew up playing Strats. Then I found a Les Paul I could afford...and LOVED it. So I bought a few more. Now I have 4 LP's...1 Fender Strat...1 Ibanez RG5xx...and a Charvel Superstrat.

I really like the feel and some of the harmonics I can get with the longer scale length of the Strat style...that I can't get as easily with the Pauls...but the base tones of the Les Pauls are better by a mile.

Horses for courses.

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Pretty much a one-guitar type, here. My Mirage handles just about any and every mood, tone, & style I could ever need, and if I could only own one guitar, I could own that one & be happy. I do love my other Hamer USA (a Studio) a whole lot, as well, and I'll always have a soft spot for my old RG470 ~ my first "nice" guitar, lol! :) But I can't pretend that those two axes share the same status as my koa Mirage. :love:

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I like variety, so I try to spread out my little collection so I don't have 4 different guitars all doing the same thing. SG Classic for the P90's, LP Custom for the HB's, Tele with a Charlie Christian in the neck, Jazzmaster for the awesome trem. :love: It seems like any time I have a guitar that overlaps with those 4 it gets put up on the chopping block before too long.

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