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Pod HD500 and tube power amp...


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Anyone run this setup?


Thoughts? Loves? Hates? Anyone use modeller + tube power amp generally?


I love my 6505's tone but am gradually finding the need for more and more effects. Just looking to keep things sized down for transporting to gigs, etc, so considering a modeller+tube power amp route.

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I've used mine through the power section of my 2466 a few times - it works well enough. You get a lot of the power amp's tone so you'll have to create new patches, and to me it's more like having a bunch of stompboxes available than real "amp modeling", but I'll bet that you can find some great sounds that way.

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i kinda want one. used run a digitech rp1000 into my mesa 50/50. sounded good but not great, but having that many options was fun. being able to program different patches for our set was convienent too. i always bypassed the speaker sims, those are terrible.


i dunno, i have tried the rp1000, tc nova, and M9 and sold them all. i probably will get the hd 500 and like it but then lose interest and sell it too.

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I've tried to like the HD500....We got one for Church. If this answers your question, we're selling it and getting an Eleven Rack.

If not, I tried thru my Blackstar power section...not any better than a Valvetronix (actually worse than my AD60VTX). Tried in straight into the PA...really average... In all cases it did NOT feel like I was playing a tube amp. (the vox did however)

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IMO the PODs are great for recording, but the few I've tried through amps were okay but nothing like just playing the amps. I'd love an HD500 to record with, and I'd give one a try in the fx loop just for fx or maybe connecting with the 4 cable method via front of amp/fx loop for using the amp's own dirt channel but using the POD's clean for some amps. :cool:

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what about the effects with the amp modeling bypassed? may as well get an M9/13 at that point i guess though...



It seemed to work fine for that. I thought it sounded a little processed though. I a/b'd it with my simple pedalboard setup (Boost/chorus/delay) and the live pedalboard had a richer fuller sound than the effects coming thru the HD500. I think the HD500 may have an application with some tweaking though.

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