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Back from teh bant with a Double NCD!!!!!! (Marshall Content)

Nick H

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He's a 16 year old with an inferiority complex...some also call it "small guy syndrome"...He plays {censored} gear, and thinks he's funny, but his "funny" makes me want to grind his tongue through a meat grinder to hopefully avoid anyone having to hear his pointless drivel ever again...

Are we clear? Or should I continue?

Ok dude, Im starting to think youre just jealous of my cabs. If my posts bother you that much, than just quit bitching and add me to your ignore list already ok? :thu:

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Ok dude, Im starting to think youre just jealous of my cabs. If my posts bother you that much, than just quit bitching and add me to your ignore list already ok?

It'd be easier if you just deleted your account and started over fresh.

At Sevenstring.org.

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Ok dude, Im starting to think youre just jealous of my cabs. If my posts bother you that much, than just quit bitching and add me to your ignore list already ok?


Jealous of your cabs???


No I thought you were a grade A douche prior to those cum stains in the pics you posted :thu:

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Jealous of your cabs???

No I thought you were a grade A douche prior to those cum stains in the pics you posted

Dude for real? None of you even know me and your just giving me {censored} because Im 16 and own Madisons. And really, I dont get what the {censored} is so wrong with either of those.

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The mods are good dudes, which is why I'm utterly baffled they were willing to allow you another chance to spread your {censored}ery around here.

If you mean my opinions, you dont have to agree. If they bother you that much, just add me to your ignore list :thu:

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Dude for real? None of you even know me and your just giving me {censored} because Im 16 and own Madisons. And really, I dont get what the {censored} is so wrong with either of those.


More your attitude than what your gear is...Actually, it's all your attitude.


I take solace in the fact that you will get your perma ban within a couple of weeks. :D

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More your attitude than what your gear is...Actually, it's all your attitude.

I take solace in the fact that you will get your perma ban within a couple of weeks.

Also dont get whats wrong with my attitude, other than I post my opinions regardless of the trends here and dont give a {censored} if you disagree. And theres nothing wrong with that either.

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If you mean my opinions, you dont have to agree. If they bother you that much, just add me to your ignore list


No, it's not your opinions that are wrong. It's your blatant bull{censored} in any technical question thread, followed up by arrogant prancing about and trying to demean anyone with actual knowledge on the subject because they disagree with you.


FWIW, I could give a {censored} what amps you own or what your opinions are on gear. But telling people a boost does exactly the same thing as an attenuator for a lot cheaper is just pure unadulterated bull{censored}, and when confronted that it was bull{censored}, you went full RE tard. Had it been an isolated incident, fine, it happens. Unfortunately, this series of event repeated itself multiple times in the few days I saw you posting before.


Just shut up when you don't know what you're talking about. Like you were told by multiple people in the past.


I would add you to my ignore list, but I'd hate to miss the rape when Ricky Bobby realizes you're back.

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No, it's not your opinions that are wrong. It's your blatant bull{censored} in any technical question thread, followed up by arrogant prancing about and trying to demean anyone with actual knowledge on the subject because they disagree with you.

FWIW, I could give a {censored} what amps you own or what your opinions are on gear. But telling people a boost does exactly the same thing as an attenuator for a lot cheaper is just pure unadulterated bull{censored}, and when confronted that it was bull{censored}, you went full RE tard. Had it been an isolated incident, fine, it happens. Unfortunately, this series of event repeated itself multiple times in the few days I saw you posting before.

Just shut up when you don't know what you're talking about. Like you were told by multiple people in the past.

I would add you to my ignore list, but I'd hate to miss the rape when Ricky Bobby realizes you're back.



Dude, if its not something I have personnal experience with, I just repost advice that has been given to me. From what I have read and been told, boosts can have similar effects on an amp as attenuators, its just a technically different method of doing it. And boosts are in fact alot cheaper.

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