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I think it's more to do with the total loony idiots the Repubs are nominating than anything else.



I love the name calling. Most of these idiots are the higher ranked professionals in business or have very prestigious and legal backgrounds. It doesn't matter the badge.


We are the idiots for not keeping these officials in check or making them accountable.


Idiots!!! I love when the poor and middle class call these guys idiots.

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I love the name calling. Most of these idiots are the higher ranked professionals in business or have very prestigious and legal backgrounds. It doesn't matter the badge.

We are the idiots for not keeping these officials in check or making them accountable.

Idiots!!! I love when the poor and middle class call these guys idiots.



Anyone who is in a religious cult and wears 'magic underwear', believes women should not be allowed to decide on abortion, even in case of 'legitimate' rape (which is, coincidentally part of god's plan), wants to start a war with Iran is a Loony {censored}wit IDIOT in my view.

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Anyone who is in a religious cult and wears 'magic underwear', believes women should not be allowed to decide on abortion, even in case of 'legitimate' rape (which is, coincidentally part of god's plan), wants to start a war with Iran is a Loony {censored}wit IDIOT in my view.



Don't worry...Iran will start a war all by their lonesome soon enough.

As far as Obama....thank you in advance Mr. President...we are in your debt.

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i just dont understand peoples undying love for obama. i hope for our countries sake things get turned around, i just dont see why everyone is so confident in him

Maybe it's not love, maybe it's the fear that a party that supported Bush who ruined the economy, bought the USA into expensive wars by lying about everything making the USA a laughing stock around the world, and thought that Sarah Palin was a seriously good idea, was such a bad idea...

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All you Obama idiots are something else. Isnt it painfully clear to you that his way does not work??????? Are you blind???????? Where do you all think the money to continue living is going to come from??????? The Obama administration can blame Bush for this all they want, they had four years to fix things, and the only thing that happened was we have been pushed towards the cliff at a rate of spending 3 times the amount of Bush's spending??? At this point, if every single US dollar in the world was collected in one central spot, there is still not enough money to pay off our national debt. We owe more money than there is money!!!!!! What a bunch of horse{censored}.:wave:

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I like how in this whole sorry mess, anyone who doesn't side with your personal views is automatically branded stupid. I've not seen a single actual exchange of views in this whole election thingy that hasn't just been people arguing about totally contradictory facts and calling each other stupid.

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Maybe it's not love




yah it is love, i have more than a few people on my facebook calling obama the most influential person the last 100 years and this is the greatest day in american history and all sorts of nonsense, then its usually followed by some substanceless rant like tax the rich and its bush's fault. i just really dont know what has changed in this country for the better that makes people look at obama like this messiah like figure

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Anyone who is in a religious cult and wears 'magic underwear', believes women should not be allowed to decide on abortion, even in case of 'legitimate' rape (which is, coincidentally part of god's plan), wants to start a war with Iran is a Loony {censored}wit IDIOT in my view.



As is any cocksucker who has spent us in to debt so hard core that we keep breaking shovels trying to dig out of it is. Obama is the biggest idiot of them all.

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I take it you have no investments...401K, Pension plan, etc.

To call jeopardizing your life's savings "butt-hurt" makes light of what hard working people have spent their lives building up.

Oh...and DOW down 334 points - GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!

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