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Please Be Specific


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I'm looking at the subject matter of the blogs here and I'm just disppointed by some of them in the threads. HC posters should be specific about guitars, brand, places ... in other words, please write in the subject line the things people will not waste their time looking at. Here are a few current thread subjects that most educated guitarist would ignore just by looking at them:


1. A strange, complicated question

2. Recomend me a good Acoustic Guitar

3. How much should I expect to spend?

4. To purchase, or not to purchase?

5. help with guitar


...not necessarily in that order, but saying something specific to clue people in helps matters. Otherwise you'll missout on some of the good advice.


A former HCAF regular, LB, has already said so much, but I thought it was worth repeating.


Just trying to help.... :rolleyes:





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Can you be more specific?

I really think some people simply don't know enough to pose a specific question. Anyone entering into something new will only see the trees at first. Focus will evolve from there to specific topics/issues and prompt threads more to your suggestion. But I'm not so sure that will ever happen because there will always be people who are new to guitar and this forum. Besides, without threads like the ones you illustrate, this place would be near extinct by now.

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Right on Tioga! As a new member and a new guitar player, I am drawn to the more general questions because my knowledge is more general. Moreover, the questions become more specific as the threads continue. I learn more that way. Some of the questions are so over my head(specific), but I don't begrudge you the right. I'll get there and help someone in the future.

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Originally posted by telenate
I'm looking at the subject matter of the blogs here and I'm just disppointed by some of them in the threads. HC posters should be specific about guitars, brand, places ... in other words, please write in the subject line the things people will not waste their time looking at. Here are a few current thread subjects that most educated guitarist would ignore just by looking at them:

1. A strange, complicated question
2. Recomend me a good Acoustic Guitar
3. How much should I expect to spend?
4. To purchase, or not to purchase?
5. help with guitar

...not necessarily in that order, but saying something specific to clue people in helps matters. Otherwise you'll missout on some of the good advice.

A former HCAF regular, LB, has already said so much, but Ithought it was worth repeating.

Just trying to help.... :rolleyes:


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Look , this ain't no blog. I enjoy the folk here and we disagree and ignore each other, but I think we like and respect each other.
Subject headers can be fun when they are non specific, I click on em

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Originally posted by Tioga_Man

Your request seems reasonable enough to me. And yet, I always feel - at least in
forum - that I'm among friends (of a sort). If your request has a counterpart in my everyday life, you would be asking that, when I want to talk, I should first give you a 10 second executive summary of what I'm about to say so that you could determine if it's worth your time to listen. That doesn't feel right. But maybe that's just me.

There is a sort of Forum Darwinism that is in effect here. If people post threads whose titles do not inspire interaction with other members, the thread falls off the bottom. So that effect alone probably keep the thread titles as specific and as relavant as they're gonna get.

Where the hell have you been hanging out? Long time no post.


I used to be real good about prefacing most of what I said, especialy touchy personal stuff. It helps when talking philosophy.


I think he's making a valid request (not that it's gonna happen) I try to title my threads so the subject matter is obviouse.

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Originally posted by Tioga_Man

Hi JT. Yeah...I got stuck in OJ, posting my radical right wing comments. But I'm making an effort to disengage and get back to something worthwhile...like this forum. off topic but I'm trying to get a decent (read unembarrassing) rendition of a song like "If I were a carpenter" or " Ghost Riders" to post so that I can get some advice on my simple fingerpicking style. soon. I also recently changed jobs and am still adapting to a new routine. But thanks for noticing that I've been absent.

Hey, nice thing about this forum, radical rights like you, and ultra-apolitcals like me can get along. No doubt I disagree with your politcal views, I actualy stopped in OJ once and saw them. I still think you're a nice guy though.


good luck with the songs.

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Originally posted by riffmeister

Cool.........there's a new sheriff in town!


Hah!!! I can't even "sheriff" my own mind let alone other people. LB is in a class of own, so to speak. I'm barely worthy of eating the scraps from his table.

It was a slow day for me. All you guys do a fine job. And I don't want to scare off the newbies, that's for sure. I just would like people to ask themselves: What thread topic will get the best teachers/players to throw their hats in the ring?

I'm here reading almost everyday. That must mean I like this place. It also means that I've learned much. Thanks to those who make the HCAF sublime. To those who don't, well, there's nothing like practice, practice, practice....

Peace & Love,
Nate :cool:

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Telenate, as one who began one of your threads (strange, complicated question) let me disagree. I purposely phrased the title that way to attract some of the knowledgeable folk here, and succeeded. I got a mugh higher level of response and I'm grateful for it. To me, that indicates that a significant number of people were interested enough to read the discussion, and then contribute.

Frankly, if I'm too busy to be reading these threads, I'm probably doing something else. I come here when I've got time or I'm looking for an interesting diversion. I find the players receptive and generous. I think Tioga, digitalsnipe, et al. said it well.

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