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Is it OK to announce CD releases here?

Dave Keir

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Thanks Neil,

It's a conundrum. If your indie musician and you make a CD, you have to find ways to tell people about it. There are forums where I've posted for years (UMGF & Cubase.net) and they know me there and it's cool. But you can't spend your life posting and being well-known everywhere. Day job, anyone? So, I've got be careful. I've got no doubt I'll be called "spammer" and booted out somewhere. Anyway, 'nuff said.

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It is considered OK on this forum to release a copy of your new cd to every member with (FK checks his post counter) at least 1400 posts. My mailing address is..

Oh, that wasn't your question. Personally I think it is OK as long as done tastefullY (like everything else on this forum), but what is certainly OK would be to post an mp3 teaser and a link to your site where we can learn all about you and your music and buy your cd and find out what your tour dates are and become big fans. A lot of people here have posted clips of their music in their sigs

Actually that is what I just did with one of our regulars - I heard a couple of things on his site and ordered cd's from him.

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..but what is certainly OK would be to post an mp3 teaser and a link to your site where we can learn all about you and your music



Okay-dokay. Well, my site's in my signature, but early mixes of some of the stuff on the cd can be listened to / downloaded from here.


I hope you like.



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Originally posted by Dave Keir

Thanks Neil,

It's a conundrum. If your indie musician and you make a CD, you have to find ways to tell people about it. There are forums where I've posted for years (UMGF & Cubase.net) and they know me there and it's cool. But you can't spend your life posting and being well-known everywhere. Day job, anyone? So, I've got be careful. I've got no doubt I'll be called "spammer" and booted out somewhere. Anyway, 'nuff said.



I hear you. I gave up on being a "real musician" years ago because I couldn't see how I would be able to make a living at it. I'd heard of horror stories about conflicting egos, difficulties of booking gigs, etc. and didn't want that to taint my passion for playing so I've kept it strictly as a hobby.


That being said, I've got nothing but respect for people who put the time and effort into marketing themselves. I've followed a few local musicians and see how much trouble they have just keeping at it let alone breaking through and reaching a larger audience.


FWIW, I think that the Internet is becoming an invaluable resource. I also see a lot of promise with sites like MySpace.

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