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Have ya noticed lately....


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I have noticed a huge growth in popularity of diminutive guitars and ukuleles. Another "rocker" was spotted with a ukulele in his hands, Steve Tyler. Eddie Veder has a custom-made "Fender-style" bodied "Earnest" ukulele that he now plays in concert.

Lots of people are going acoustic (many of them plugged, but acoustic nonetheless).

As for popularity of ukulele... the first wave of popularity was from 1915 through about 1925 (Buster Keaton played one), the second was in the late 1930s and 1940s (Bing Crosby played one, along with Cliff Edwards and other players in movies). In the late 1950s, Arthur Godfrey played a ukulele on a regular TV show and sold tons of them on commercial breaks. The Beatles' John, Paul, and George all three played them and played acoustic guitar frequently. Now, Cathy Guthrie (Arlo's daughter) is playing with a group she calls "Folk Uke".

It is good to see acoustic guitar popularity soaring. Extreme's "More Than Words" helped, along with "Counting Crows" and "Wilco" and lots of country cross-over artists.

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When it comes to ukes, I immediately see the roaring 20s. College kid in a long beaver coat and a sweater playing the uke as he sings "Harvest Moon". 23 Skidoo!


But I have an admission, I have been playing more electric lately. Easier on my hands, especially on more difficult pieces (like Candy Man).


Doesnt really have to be one or the other does it??

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I noticed that this time around I play my acoustics a lot more then my electric. I guess I've grown up a bit AND my musical tastes have changed somewhat too. Acoustics are just fun, you just pull em' out of the case and play, no plugging in, no electricity needed, just nice and simple.

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That sooooo many electric heads are stopping in here seeking advice on purchasing Acoustic?

Is this a trend? A movement?

BE FREE! Get unplugged my friends... Come to the light...



I fit that catagory back in June with my purchase of an accoustic.

Since buying my Martin I have trouble wanting to play the electrics and bass. I did pick the bass back up and still really like it. I need to work toward being a better guitarist though in both flat picking and fingerstyle.

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i cant speak for everyone but for me.......

i spent the last 6 years of my life in a punk band playing all over the west.i quit the band about 8 months ago,and sold all my gigging gear.since then i have gone back to my first love,acoustic.i had never even noticed an acoustic forum until about a week ago,i popped in and everyone here is so down to earth ive been coming back everyday...so yeah there ya go.

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