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would you rather play fingerstyle on a dread or strum with a pick on an OM/00/000?

Stella Joop

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I think I've played enough guitars (disregard price points) where certain ones had it all from 000/OM sizes and up. No pigeon-holing here at all. I just can't get physically comfortable with a dread anymore and forget jumbo. I feel like I have a bag of groceries under my arm with a dread.

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I've noticed that many players dig in much more than they need to -- I know I've done it, especially when pouring on the
. Once I stopped trying to make my acoustics go to 11, I learned some interesting things about the volume capabilities of smaller body gits. It took some doing on my part; I've been an electric player for most of my guitaring life and loud always equaled passion.

Often players overpower their guitars even when plugged in! Do you do that? Man, I know I've power armed my acoustics. I should've just reached over and turned the amp up or turned up the volume on the preamp. There was no reason for me to work so hard.

Yes...I do that. Hard for me to hold back; I'm still figuring out the on-stage thing--finding that balance. One thing that saves me is using thin picks. I used to break strings all the time until I went to .73s for strummy stuff.

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Yes...I do that. Hard for me to hold back; I'm still figuring out the on-stage thing--finding that balance. One thing that saves me is using thin picks. I used to break strings all the time until I went to .73s for strummy stuff.


I think I'd have problems getting a good sound with thin picks. Not enough volume (control of dynamics), not enough tonal range, not enough! :) I'd probably have to really hit it to make it work for what I want out of a guitar. I've been using a Big Stubby 3.5mm at all my gigs (all flatpicking, no fingerpicking or hybrid picking).


Lately, I've been using my Yamaha FG110 at my gigs. Its action is higher than any guitar I've ever used for a gig -- I'd almost prefer it for slide. :eek: But the sound with that high action is amazing. Really full and it projects much more than I believed it ever could. And it currently has 11s -- just a light as my Gitane. But the action! Whoa! I'm still figuring out how to make it work. At least my fingers aren't as sore when I first started using it.:thu:

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Fingerstyle on a dread (while I now have a few small-bodied guitars for fingerstyle, dreads were all I used for years). Small-bodied guitars sound too compressed boxy played with a pick; the lone exception for me is my Taylor 414CE Ltd.

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I'd say fingerpick on a dread, just because that's what I do when I fingerpick. Over 90% of my playing is strumming.


I like the idea of the jumbo, but so many of them come in the 1-11/16 nut width. I wish more of them (at least the more affordable ones) came in the wider nut.



What body style would you consider things like the Taylor Grand Auditorium, Taylor Grand Symphony, and Larrivee L-series?

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