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Pro Tools LE 7 any good???


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I could get Pro Tools LE 7 for 50$. http://www.moogaudio.com/product_info.php?products_id=3201


Is it worth it?


Is there a better option?


I want something like Mixcraft 4 but better.


What I like about Mixcraft is that I can use an audio file, loop it, mod the key and the tempo. It's also easy to add a guitar track to it. It comes with a library of sounds and drum patterns.


What I hate about it is that my computer freezes with it and I lose all my work... :facepalm:


So, what do you think?

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I've only 'observed' Pro Tools in action, and it's certainly a powerful program. As I understand it, you need to use a Digidesign soundcard or external interface to run the program at all. So that would be another expense unless already you have an Mbox, Digi, etc. I think one exception would be an "M-Powered" Pro Tools system, which would allow you to use M-Audio interfaces.

Another option would be Reaper. I've used Reaper quite a bit but have only scratched the surface. It's only $60 and not bound to any particular audio / MIDI interface. There's lots of great support at the Reaper forums.

What I like about Mixcraft is that I can use an audio file, loop it, mod the key and the tempo. It's also easy to add a guitar track to it. It comes with a library of sounds and drum patterns.

When I read this I think of my current favorite audio program - Ableton Live. Looping and changing key and tempo are essential Live functions. And there's a huge library of sounds, drum loops, virtual instruments, etc. Live isn't purely a recording program, but it handles all my recording needs. The LE version is about $150.

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+1 on Reaper, unless you are running a Mac. Pro Tools, indeed, AKAIK, requires proprietary hardware to work.


As for options, there are plenty out there, ranging in cost from virtually nothing to virtually.... way more than nothing.


Myself, I am on a Mac, and have Logic Pro. I doubt I'll ever need/use a fraction of its capabilities.





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Thank's for your informations. I don't think it would work because my soundcard is a M-Audio interface and the software is not an "M-Powered" version!


Glad I found out before I bought it!


I'll look at other options, now. Maybe I'll be able to find a good deal on something else!

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My main room is Protools HD3 but I still use LE on a laptop in the next room, specifically for file conversions (to go from an 8 file down to 7, for example - as the upgrade cost for me to go from HD3v7 to 8 would be thousands of dollars, which I can't squeeze in right now).

So LE is very good (I run on new Macs, and my computers ONLY run music apps, no games, no spreadsheets, nothing else, just optimized for recording, if that matters, which it might). It can pay for itself very quickly if you're so inclined. Just make sure you have drives fast enough and you can retrograde the system if necessary, as there are driver issues frequently between digi hardware / software and the endless OSX security updates.

If you run Live 8 and Reason 4 on top of it, there's really nothing you can't do, for yourself or anyone else. Logic 9 is a nice parallel also.

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Yeah, that seems like a pretty good deal to me. Especially if you've already got an M Powered rig.

So, was your soundcard on the list?



I already have my soundcard. It's an M-Audio USB Fast Track Pro.


I just looked at the softwares that came with it: there is a demo of Pro Tools LE 7...


I will try to install it before I go for the real deal. This version is good for a limited period only. I remeber installing several softwares when I got the soundcard but there was a conflict and I uninstalled everything.


I will only reinstall Pro Tools LE 7 Demo for now and nothing else!

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Anyone here use Cubebase? Just ordered a MultiMix12 USB interface and it comes with cubebase. Looking forward to testing in out in the up coming weeks. If anyone has tried either the multimix or cubebase let me know what you thought.



I use Cubase VST Studio 5.0


But I'm still learning it. It's powerful software.

The lay out is easy. But sometimes, it's difficult

to figure out. MIDI implementation is not as intuitive

as I'm used to.

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I dont use Pro Tools..Never have even tried it. I use Reaper to mess around with. But If I were looking to get into Pro Tools . I have a choice to go Le or M-Powered. I think I would go with buying a M-Box 2 mini..You get a interface and the software is included..If I were to go buy a M-Audio device..I would still have to buy the software..Doing a quick search..software is about $250..So lets say you didnt have a m-audio device., Cheapest one I think is there 2496 card?? At around $100??..So right there $350 . But a M-box mini is $300...If I were looking to get into Pro Tools the M-box mini would be my choice..But personally I dont see the reason for getting Pro Tools for me. Yes its the industry standard..Same way Photoshop is in the graphics field. But for just a home studio I dont see the need for Pro Tools..I dont know..I would at least like to try it some time..


Edit:Also if you buy the m-box you get Pro tool le 8..which I understand Is a big upgrade from 7..alot of plugins and instruments..



Pro Tools LE 8, introduced at this year's AES show in San Francisco, offers incredibly expanded features over previous versions; a beautiful, intuitive interface is only the beginning. Offering an expanded track count, a comprehensive collection of plug-ins and effects, and high quality virtual instruments, Pro Tools LE 8 is sure to give the competition -- namely Apple's Logic Studio -- a run for the money (and further solidify Pro Tools as the market leader in digital audio workstations).


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If you've got the hardware and can get a ProTools system for $50 what the heck are you waiting for?

Jump on it. Fast.



Just want to be sure that Pro Tools LE is going to be fully compatible for my M-Audio device!


Actually, I already reserved the software, I ordered a TC Electronic Nova repeater Delay pedal too. When they'll receive the pedal, I'll pick them both at the same time!

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I'm a little confused - Pro Tools LE is not compatible with an M-Audio Fast Track Pro. The $50 software offer is for Pro Tools LE. The Fast Track Pro would work with Pro Tools M-Powered, but Pro Tools M-Powered is $250. I'm not sure why some are encouraging you to buy the software that isn't compatible with your Fast Track Pro.

It also seems strange that the Fast Track Pro came bundled with Pro Tools LE, since Pro Tools LE requires a Digidesign interface. Currently available Fast Track Pros do not appear to come bundled with Pro Tools LE, as far as I can tell. I could be missing something.

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I got a phone call today saying that my delay pedal had arrived. They also said:" You can pick up Pro Tools LE 7 upgrade at the same time!" :facepalm:


That's what it was... an upgrade! Plus, as people mentioned, it's probably not compatible with my soundcard. Well, I'll look at other programs when I'll go get my delay... which should be fully compatible with my guitar and amp! :idk:

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