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Pawn shop bargain Yammie!


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Soo i recently sold my HD28, i got a litttle tired of it so i sold it and i am splitting the cash between a strat rig and an acoustic. I sorted the strat rig at a bargain price so just the acoustic now.


My wife, daughter and i went to a city not far from us for a day out and some guitar shopping. Now i had the idea of getting a Yamaha FG again as i stayed GAS free most of last year with a FG730S even tho i'd had some expensive guitars in the past, too much time on forums made me trade up, surprisingly i wasnt any happier. Yeah they sound a bit better and play maginally better but not the price better.


Anyhoo my first stop was a pawn shop that sells all sorts and there it was a Yamaha FG700S, a nice change from the 730 i thought. I auditioned it and was more impressed than i expected! The bass was more pronounced than my 730?? Yeah the strings were shot but it sang its heat out.


I had a look around for any marks and asked for a ruler to check the neck angle, all good spotless and a very nice set up. This guitar was placed there for me. Just for a laugh i tried a epiphone L something at 3x + the price all present agreed the Yamaha came out tops, the epi was very bright.


To save carrying it around i put it in the car (no humidity issues here) and went to a guitar store to buy a case. I spotted 2 Yamahas in store and had a strum, pretty bright?? there was a FG720S and a FG700MS, either i got a good un or like my 730 these things being so well built need a few miles on the clock to loosen them up.


The price?

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Congrats on a nice find, Dek. I keep reading stories like this all the time, but I have yet to find a pawn shop bargain. All I'm ever able to find is junk and guitars that I can buy new for less money than the pawn shop is asking. I keep looking for that diamond in the rough though. Maybe someday.......

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Congratulations on your find, Happy NGD:thu:


We have one pawn shop where I live and same deal. the guitars are priced almost as new, that seems to be for all their stuff. That reminds me I must take my dreadnought in.


BTW>The quality of those pics are really good too

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i am a little lost... you got an FG700S or a FG730S?

which either... congrats


Thanks for the congrats. It's a FG700S.


That's why I'm so stoked. It's cash converters and they are well known for charging MORE than new price. I go in and laugh at their prices. A definate mistake.

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