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Thank you HCAF


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Hey, just wanted to say thank you. In a recent thread we discussed how to handle mistakes when performing.


I just got back from my first open mic and mistakes were made. I first forgot to put my capo on the second fret for the first song, and spent the rest of the song trying to sing in key. Made several chord and lyric mistakes and as you all advised, I just kept playing.


I knew it wasn't going to be pretty, but there has to be first time. Hopefully it's like sex ... first time is a little scary, and before you know it's all you want to do. And no matter how good you really are ... you think your awesome!

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I knew it wasn't going to be pretty, but there has to be first time. Hopefully it's like sex ... first time is a little scary, and before you know it's all you want to do. And no matter how good you really are ... you think your awesome!


Sex?! You've had sex?! :eek:




















































Congrats! :D

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It's not generally recommended, but I've seen people who make a good living by (deliberately) getting things wrong (UK Comedians: Les Dawson & Tommy Cooper spring immediately to mind). Pleased to see that you're determined to resist the temptation - but it's always a fallback position.


Keep Playing!

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Good for you! :thu:


I host a somewhat popular open mic every Saturday afternoon. I see n00bs and I see seasoned players and EVERYONE makes mistakes. As you learned it's best to just shuck it off and keep playing. It takes guts to get up there and do it and and I admire and encourage anyone who tries. That's why I host an open mic. To give people like you a place to play.


Have fun!

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