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Using humidifier when it's raining


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I think i'm over humidifying. It's been raining hard for almost a week in L.A.


It never rains in L.A. and I left my humidifiers in(the cheap planet waves one.)


One of the guitars is really hard to play(cowboy chords) And another has really high action.

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Keeping a humidifier in the cases is a good thing indeed, but you also need to monitor the humidity and make adjustments to it when necessary.


I got a cheap humidifier at Walmart - around $6 or $7. It needs to be calibrated so that you know if it's accurate or a little off in either direction (high or low)


Calibration takes a lousy 24 hours and is a very worthwhile thing to do.


When you monitor the humidity, you'll know if it's too high or low and can place your gits accordingly - either out of their cases or remove the humidifier from their cases....or add another humidifier if need be.


Since it so rarely rains for more than a few days at a stretch in L.A. (I know - I grew up there) your gits will probably be fine in a few days, once the rain passes. In the meantime, you'll just have to do whatever you can to adjust the humidity in their cases or in your house. And face it, your gits are gonna sound like they're stuffed full of old socks until things dry out a bit.


Here is an excellent article from Larivee Guitars about humidity: Larivee Humidity Info


Best of luck

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Leaving humidifiers in while it's raining won't necessarily do any harm. As long as the humidity is in the 40-60% range (preferably in the middle), your guitars will be fine. What that means is that if the humidity in your guitar case is 45% and it goes up to 60% because it's raining, that's okay. Bear in mind that while a good hardshell case is not airtight, it's still better for humidity control than having your guitar(s) out in the open. But if it goes beyond that for an extended period of time you can expect trouble. Since both guitars are showing symptoms, it's likely they were exposed to 70%+ humidity for the better part of a week. They'll recover, assuming mold doesn't start growing, but you should have learned a valuable lesson about care and storage of your guitars.

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