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NGD! (and it was free!)


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So, my first spruce/mahogany guitar! I've been wanting one for a while (lusting after a Collings D1A).


This one had been sitting around in the choir room at church for over a year, belonged to a college student that moved away. I eventually asked him if he wanted to sell it, and he said, "Oh, you should just have it. You'll do more with it than I ever would".


Generous guy!


It's an Ibanez Artwood 120, now out of production. Solid Engelmann Spruce top, laminate mahogany b/s. It sounds good (which is why I asked in the first place if he wanted to sell it). It has more cut than my other dreads, which is great--my other dreads are a boomy '58 D-28, and a carbon-fiber guitar modeled after a boomy prewar HD-28. I'm hoping that the lack of boom will mean it will close-mic better than the other dreads, which would be great.






This guitar had a cracked brace, the large x-brace on the bottom side of the soundhole, which I glued/clamped. That was yesterday...I count today as NGD since this is the day I strung it up and played it. I'm excited!

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Congratulations. That's exactly like my main guitar. Both are early Korean made models before production moved to China and quality slipped. you can tell by the shape of the bridge and the fact that the "burst" is recognizable instead of a solid expanse of dull brown. I have an aftermarket pickup in mine and string it with Martin 80/20 lights. I also play it in church as part of praise band. A $350 (new) guitar for free is a great bargain and an AW120 for free is even better.

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