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Gibson SG vs. ESP Viper


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I would be inclined to favour the SG.... I love SGs, but those ESP SG types are just too "metal" for me.


Admittedly, though, this is as much a "mojo" / visuals / feel / vibe as much as anything, so...... as ever, try 'em both and see what works for you.

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as far as build quality, ESP standard Viper easily beats out SG.


As far as tone, that depends on what you want. I'd go with EMG's, but an SG could do metal too, through the right amp. The Viper is thicker than an SG , so will sound closer to an LP than an actual SG

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Originally posted by Edward

...those ESP SG types are just too "metal" for me.


I used to think that too, but they've grown on me a bit...


along with the look I think the other reason I'm so hesitant about making a choice between the two is today's Gibson price/quality ratio w/ slight emphasis on PRICE! Even my step dad the gibson snob is hestiant when it comes to buying new gibsons.


I've always wanted an SG, but for my birthday when I was younger my parents got me a strat! I'm not spoiled so of course I said thanks and started playing it....I love Hendrix, Clapton, Buddy Guy, and all those BUT I wanted to play like Toni Iommi-I wanted Sabbath- I wanted an SG!


So now that I have the money this is a tough choice to make!


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the only thing these instruments really share is the relative shape, as far as the quality issue, more anti gibson qc myths, they are both good quality instruments. The SG will get you great clean tones as well as great rock and metal tones. The ESP really is more inclined towards metal.


As far as price. Think of it this way, the gibson will cost 250$ more?.. but thats also an investment as its value will not go down like the ESP's. At least in my neck of the woods, a Gibson keeps about 85% of its value as soon as you buy it, whereas the ESP's are going for around 70%. Either way, its your choice. The smartest move would be to get a used standard and never look back:)

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I agree about not buying a guitar for the resale price...I'm looking for a keeper


I'm beginning to lean more towards the viper...has anybody put any Gibson pickups in a Viper, or any other pickups besides EMGs?


How did it change the sound?

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If you're thinking about making a purchase, you might want to act now.


Through 10/31 Music 123 is offering "Employee Discount Days"


I have a $1,500 '61 RI SG on the way that they discounted an additional $100 => $1,400.


I'd probably also recommend the Gibson line just for the "investment" value.


I actually think the faded worn brown would be a good choice. I think those are sexy bitches. But they're good to try out to make sure that your pick feels good. I tried one where the grain was too open on the back of the neck. The other couple I've had in my hands felt fine. I also like that the faded series uses the lower output 490T in the bridge instead of the medium output 498T of the Standard. I have a 498T in an LP and I'm not at all crazy about it. But I leave it there since the guitar was a Custom Shop Edition and I fear changing it might bring me some bad karma.


So for me the decision was faded worn brown for $650 or the '61 RI for $1,500. I wasn't that interested in the Specials or Standards in between (Except that black Standard does look fantastic. They're like a "piano lacquer black" black with a darker colored rw fb.)

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Originally posted by Rada

I agree about not buying a guitar for the resale price...I'm looking for a keeper

I'm beginning to lean more towards the viper...has anybody put any Gibson pickups in a Viper, or any other pickups besides EMGs?

How did it change the sound?



I've got to jump in and defend Alchemist's statement (and my subsequest similar statement).


When you buy a musical instrument it is an investment whether you look at it that way or not. And that has nothing to do with it being a "keeper" or not.


Example. I own a 1983 Les Paul Studio Custom Shop Edition that I bought brand new 21 years ago for $800. That makes it a keeper. But it's also now worth at least 2X what I paid for it since all new Custom Shops cost at least $3,000 and it's a rare bird. So whether or not I pass it on to an heir or sell it off so I don't have to live off of oatmeal in my retirement, it will have been a good investment AND a keeper. Had I put the money into a Korean copy - -, nuff said.


But sounds like the Viper is more your thing, but just don't think that resale value and "keeper" are exclusive concepts. They work together.


And also you're starting to erode the price gap already by thinking of making the Viper a part Gibson.

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Originally posted by Rada

I love Hendrix, Clapton, Buddy Guy, and all those BUT I wanted to play like Toni Iommi-I wanted Sabbath- I wanted an SG!

So now that I have the money this is a tough choice to make!



Tony didn't play a Viper. If you want the real thing, get the real thing. I never regretted getting an SG, and I'm a big Sabbath fan. I'm not putting the Vipers down, but they don't have the mojo that the Gibson has. You'll have to make your own mojo with the Viper. The SG already comes with it.

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I reccomend the esp. I have an eclipse II from the standard series and its every bit as nice as my custom shop carpenter model. The fretwork and finish work are much nicer than the gibson sg standards and I would seriously consider the duncan option from esp because they tend to be more well accepted than the emgs. Its your choice but the arguments for the gibson seem to be all about money while the arguments for esp seem to be about quality and tone.

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sure nobody cares about investment values until youre flat broke and need some cash fast, tough time to realise all the stuff you own isnt worth {censored}:)


as well the quality of the gibson is excellent, I have played just as many ESP/LTD that suffered from the so called anti gibson people mention.... but like mentioned earlier they arent even the same guitar except for the relative shape...


just one week ago a forum member was comparing a les paul with an eclipse, claiming the "higher quality" of ESP as a selling point, he came back the next day with a gibson raving about how it was in another league completely;)

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Originally posted by cylon


you dont buy a guitar for resale value get what you always wanted.

you might have to go thru a ton of sg's

with the junk gibson is turning out



?? What kind of backwards statement is that?? I don't know about you, but most of have bought and sold many guitars including a few 'keepers'.


Whichever you decide to buy, buy used. That way if you ever decide to sell you should get roughly what you paid for it.

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SG's are sweet guitars . I own two ,a standard ,and a brown faded . Fret work and finish are fine . There is nothing wrong with either guitar . And I didn't have to check out 100's of SG's to find them either . I Bought both of them from internet stores .


As far as "tone" goes what's to talk about ? Just listen to Tony Iommi and Angus Young's "tone" . Just to name a few guitar players that play them . If you buy the Viper your still going to end up buying the SG sooner or later . And when you buy it later it will be more expensive too . :D .

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