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Musician's State of Mind in Performance?

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Hey everyone,


Just wondering if you've experienced anything like this before.


I was overdubbing a keyboardist from a band I'm working with, and he was playing an EP, just simple chords on 2 and 4. I watched him play it, with a soda in one hand, making faces and commenting on how "hard" the part was (I guess the band is making him play a simple part, he would rather do something with more flair maybe). So anyway, he's totally apathetic about the whole thing.


Later on, I'm mixing the song, and even though the EP sounds right, the rhythm is perfect, the chords were played right, the whole performance sounds....apathetic!


Is this just because I watched him play it and my mind is associating his attitude with the sound, or can you tell when someone isn't into a performance like that, even though it's played correctly?

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Originally posted by saltydrums

Is this just because I watched him play it and my mind is associating his attitude with the sound, or can you tell when someone isn't into a performance like that, even though it's played correctly?



You're spot on. Think about all those cool tunes with the simplest lines that just are trancendent. I started a Favorite Bass Lines thread over at Craig's place and by and large all those lines are dead simple... and played with love, respect, and attitude.

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Originally posted by saltydrums

I didn't want to come off as totally unaware that music is emotional, cause I'm not :-)

It just blows my mind that such as simple line can be communicated so badly by the performer.



Yeah, I hear you. I mean, a Wurly part on 2 + 4 invites all kinds of nuance. Rolling the chord slightly, pushing it into overdrive at the right time, pulling off right as the kick lands then not pulling off when the kick lands... on and on. If this guy didn't have the attitude that the part was too simple for him he might have had the mind to put some balls into it...

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Originally posted by saltydrums

Is this just because I watched him play it and my mind is associating his attitude with the sound, or can you tell when someone isn't into a performance like that, even though it's played correctly?



You can always feel a lack of energy or when someone isn't having fun. What Mr. Showboat doesn't realize is that playing "open" parts with feeling/conviction/omipotent presence is way harder to do than playing clouds of educated gnat notes.


Next time you need to inspire him to put down the soda can and "feel de rhydem... feel de rhyme"

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Yeah salty, I hear ya. I have played on some real "Sick" projects being a jazz/fusion session drummer. I do have to admit, If I am needed to do something very simple and straight, I will get very bored real fast.


If I enjoy the song at least, the real simple part will sound, well, real simple. If I don't like the tune, the end results will probably sound like it...

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Originally posted by Funkwave

If I am needed to do something very simple and straight, I will get very bored real fast.

If I enjoy the song at least, the real simple part will sound, well, real simple. If I don't like the tune, the end results will probably sound like it...



Count Basie. He could play his ass off... and he could play 1, not 2, but 1 note high up the keyboard with conviction. How's that?


It's the 'tude dude.


"If I enjoy the song at least, the real simple part will sound, well, real simple"


Hmmm.... can't the real simple part sound ballsy, funky, nasty, laid back, kicking', punky, elegant, ethereal, down home, pompous, comical, rockin', or in the pocket, depending on your take of that "real simple part". To say it'll sound "real simple" is maybe overlooking the potential of a part.

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