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My "new" SJM-72


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Originally posted by jjpistols



Haha, man after my own heart!


I did the same thing with my DeArmond M-72, which came with a clear guard:




The cool thing about a clear guard is you can paint the underside, and never have to worry about the paint wearing or scratching. I've read that some Gretsches have pickguards that are clear but with color on the underside.


Have you painted PGs before? Do you think there'll be any probs with scratching or peeling off? Did you use any kind of sealer or scuff up the surface before painting, or do modern sprays adhere well enough without that?



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I've done it before - it can scratch, but I haven't had problems with chipping


I try to get it all covered in one light coat - I have seen some horrible stucco jobs before, I don't know how someone would keep going like that, but whatever


there is a new Fusion paint designed for plastics, but I just used the can of good old dumpster tagging paint I already got ;)


I didn't do anything to the surface other than clean the hell out of it

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Now paint the headstock black and get a chrome logo that says "SJM-72 Custom" or somthing cool like that.


I bet a local shop that cuts custom stickers for cars could cut you a cool sticker in chrome with a lazer sticker machine. They have one here in gladstone that can cut any image you want for less then $10.

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Originally posted by BowerR64

Now paint the headstock black and get a chrome logo that says "SJM-72 Custom" or somthing cool like that.

I bet a local shop that cuts custom stickers for cars could cut you a cool sticker in chrome with a lazer sticker machine. They have one here in gladstone that can cut any image you want for less then $10.


well the headstock already says custom handmade or some such :D



Noob - of course I can paint - profanities on bridges, girl's names on watertowers, Hitler mustaches on photos of our president ...



Ida - the dog just does her thing, man - she's a good'un


Hinky - she is nice - loves European cars too ;)


Roy - yep - she actually made use of a monitor to make sure she was positioned like the guitar - she's a bit of a perfectionist

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Originally posted by dorifto

thanks jj, now i have gas for an sx sjm! about sjms, are they pool routed? i saw a pic of you playing a triple p-90 one! got any detailed pics of that?


that was a photoshop job - they are routed exactly for 2 P90s


Shocker just converted his to P90-P90-P90ToneZone - maybe he can answer any questions about his mods here


enjoy your SJM GAS - if all else fails, there is a very cheap cure, at least :thu:

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Originally posted by dorifto

thanks jj, now i have gas for an sx sjm! about sjms, are they pool routed? i saw a pic of you playing a triple p-90 one! got any detailed pics of that?


They are not swimming pool routed! I had to break out my router and open up a channel for my middle P90. It didn't take long, though, about 2 minutes of routing, just trying to be careful.



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