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Awesome Jack White video...


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That {censored}in rocked. That guy must {censored} out talent every morning.
What an awesome guitar tone. Sick and simple. Also a great performance.
Meg racks, too. Ooops, I mean ROCKS.

I guess some people focus on the image more than the actual music. I know a few guys that hate Buckethead for the same reason. They say {censored} like "what the {censored} is that guy wearing a KFC bucket on his head for? How stupid, blah blah blah". Failing to mention their "thoughts" on the actual music.
Personally, I think the bucket is wacky, but mainly I am just impressed with the playing and the originality of his getup.
I think Jack is cool for bringing guitar back to the forefront, while respecting what has come before.

:cool: :cool:

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LOL. Wrong.



I wasnt taking a personal shot @ u or trying to get into your head, just making my observation based on how MOST people criticise him. And I'm glad you made the Dylan reference cause I cant stand that nasal hack.


Go figure.


Hey bro, u know what diff'rent strokes taught us...........


The world dont move to the beat of just one drum (or {censored}ty guitarist/singer/songwriter in this case)

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The White Stripes are cool. Jack White does his own thing and says to Hell with anyone that doesn't like it. That's rock n' roll.

Meg plays the drums like Jack taught her to. It fits his style of music perfect.

His music is raw, not over-processed.

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Originally posted by Guitarman 5

Because of some stupid crap he said a while back regarding expensive vs. cheapo guitars and great players like SRV and so on, i didn't have a good opinion of him.

Recently though i read an interview with him and Jimmy Page and I began to understand his musical views a lot better. Some of what he said was taken out of context or not clearly conveyed.

So in fairness i started to listen to him and I completely understand where he's coming from and I have a much greater appreciation for what he's doing.

He's raw....but they said that about jimi....not that Jack White is anywhere near the guitarist or innovator Jimi was, but to dismiss him just based on that is not fair. He has emotion and a true appreciation for the honesty of roots blues.

Harmony Central in Forumite Approaches Jack White with Open Mind Shocker!!! :D

Heh. I'm out of touch with what he said about SRV, but i kind of agreed with him about the cheapo guitars thing.... I love having good stuff same as anyone, but i get his point that often cheap guitars can have more character to them, and can be made your own - I love that he has very much his own vibe with that Airline - nobody else is associated with it, and now everytime anyone ever sees a guitarl ike that, they will instantly think Jack White. I think that's kinda cool.... Of course you can't go to silly extremes either way, but i think the important point in what he said about gonig for cheap guitars was play what you have access to ,and make it your own - I do think we get hung up (me as much as anyone) sometimes on having great gear, when maybe we should be looking more at just getting out there and doing it.

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Originally posted by MattACaster

I was more facinated with Meg's bouncing...

I'm one of the folks who happens to like Meg's primal drumming style. I don't care that she's not Bonzo - it works for what they do, and it works really well.

Completely irrelevant to liking her drumming (well... unless I'm *watching* her drum rather than listening) I also find her very attractive. I would like to touch her in a sex way.

BTW.... gender be damned when it comes to drumming prowess. Several of the best live drummers I've ever seen have been women. Really....

a] you don't need huge man biceps to hit drums hard enough - FACT!


b] there's no woman in creation - not even the likes of Dolly Parton - who's breasts are so large that she can't reach a drum with her sticks.

Gender is irrelevant to skill in drums as it is on guitar.

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Originally posted by Fatcat

I wasnt taking a personal shot @ u or trying to get into your head, just making my observation based on how MOST people criticise him. And I'm glad you made the Dylan reference cause I cant stand that nasal hack.

Go figure.

Hey bro, u know what diff'rent strokes taught us...........

The world dont move to the beat of just one drum (or {censored}ty guitarist/singer/songwriter in this case)




I agree that it comes down to taste, but you calling Dylan a "nasal hack" is part of the problem.



I won't say that Jack White sucks or that Meg sucks. I will merely say that I don't enjoy their music.



Who am I to make such judgements?

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I have a newfound respect for the White Stripes. Everything else I'd heard of them was their radio-play stuff, and it didn't really grab me, so I never checked out their other stuff. But that was damn good, back-to-basics rock n roll. Thanks for posting that vid.

Err, and I want to join the Meg White fan club now too, I like the 'bounce' in her playing. ;)

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I agree the drummer leaves much to desire but she's not that bad. There have been a few songs in which she did a good job, or did something different. I think they would sound soo much better however with a full band! Women can rock out just as good as guys too, check out Lenny Kravitz drummer, or that chic that drums for Autolux, she was pretty good too. Not to mention all the chics that play bass!! Darcy, the girl that played for Hole and the chic who played for Zwan and A Perfect Circle...at the same fricken time no less!! She's amazing...and HOT!!


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Originally posted by Pungent

I have a newfound respect for the White Stripes. Everything else I'd heard of them was their radio-play stuff, and it didn't really grab me, so I never checked out their other stuff. But that was damn good, back-to-basics rock n roll. Thanks for posting that vid.

Err, and I want to join the Meg White fan club now too, I like the 'bounce' in her playing.

No bra huh?


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Originally posted by Beer Drinker

I keep trying to get it, butr I just don't hear anything worthwhile in his music.

This is good, simple, primative blues.

Jack White just blows.



{censored}in` Eh!!!

Took the words right outta my mouth.



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Originally posted by Mr_GoodBomb

You would think, playing music in public for years, she'd learn.



She wanted to get lessons but Jack wouldn't let her, it wouldn't fit in with his ideas of music. She's just as essential to the Stripes as he is. He provides the music, she completes the image. They've obviously sat down and planned the visual side of their career to perfection, its a masterpiece. The red/white peppermint and the brother/sister/married things are what made them stand out from the various other blues purists around before Elephant.


I won't pass comment on whether Jack's any good at guitar, but I doubt he's playing to his full ability on the records. He took lessons from half the country legends in Nashville when he went there, and regularly plays with Page outside of the stage, so I presume he must be holding something back.

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Originally posted by Guitarman 5

How is that Hooker song so different in presentation and style from The White Stripes stuff?



Well, one is performed by a guy who draws inspiration from his life experience. When he sings he means what he says. His style is primative because it's hard to find time to practice your guitar technique when you spend most of your time busting your ass as a janitor in a Detroit steel mill. It's rough & primative out of necessity. That gives the music authenticity.


The other one is just contrived & boring. Especially the drummer. Someone might wnt to let Jack in on a little secret. The rhythm section is the most important part of any band. If teh rhythm section suck then the whole band is going to suck. Guess what? The White Stripes suck. They suck long & they suck hard.

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Originally posted by Sister Saviour

She wanted to get lessons but Jack wouldn't let her, it wouldn't fit in with his ideas of music. She's just as essential to the Stripes as he is. He provides the music, she completes the image. They've obviously sat down and planned the visual side of their career to perfection, its a masterpiece. The red/white peppermint and the brother/sister/married things are what made them stand out from the various other blues purists around before Elephant.

I won't pass comment on whether Jack's any good at guitar, but I doubt he's playing to his full ability on the records. He took lessons from half the country legends in Nashville when he went there, and regularly plays with Page outside of the stage, so I presume he must be holding something back.



Blues PURISTS?!?!?!?!


I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

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I wasl always kind of indifferent to the White Stripes (them, the strokes, the caesars all seemd to kind of mesh together). I liked them okay, but nothing ever really stood out.

The I bought Loretta Lynn's "Van Der Lear Rose", which was produced by Jack White. And most of the songs were written by or with Jack White.

One of the best country albums ever. So I re-explored the White Stripes with a new respect. I don't like everything, but I at least respect what he's doing.

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Well, I'm sure Meg and Jack held down their share of crap jobs in Detroit.
Besides, the Delta Bluesman mythos is as contrived as anything the White Stripes have come up with,
Unless, you actually think people sold their soul on the crossroads.
It's show business everyone has their own schtick. You have to be larger than life to capture people onstage, the old bluesmen knew it, John Lee Hooker knew it and Jack White certainly tries to get way with it (have you seen that cane and mustache?).
But I don't see how one is more "aunthentic" than the other. Take "Fell in Love With a Girl", it's a 3 minute, 3 chord garage/punk song. John Lee Hooker couldn't get way with the aesthetics, but something tells me that if he was the same age as Jack White he would be writing something like it.

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Originally posted by Beer Drinker

Blues PURISTS?!?!?!?!

I don't know if I should laugh or cry.







That's a song from their first record, it sounds pretty bluesy to me. In fact in some songs he's sweating Robert Johnson worse than Eric Clapton with a Martin on his lap.

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Originally posted by pah-wraith

Well, I'm sure Meg and Jack held down their share of crap jobs in Detroit.

Besides, the Delta Bluesman mythos is as contrived as anything the White Stripes have come up with,

Unless, you actually think people sold their soul on the crossroads.

It's show business everyone has their own schtick.



Are you trolling or are you really just that ignorant about music history & the guys who we've been ripping off for the past 50 years or so?


John Lee Hooker wasn't doing schtick. He grew up as a sharecropper in Mississippi until he moved north. He really did work as a janitor in a steel mill in Detroit. There's nothing contrived about him.


To compare what the original guys did to what the White Stripes are doing is laughable.

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Originally posted by pah-wraith

That's a song from their first record, it sounds pretty bluesy to me. In fact in some songs he's sweating Robert Johnson worse than Eric Clapton with a Martin on his lap.




Listened to it.


It sucked. What exactly was "bluesy" about it other than his overuse of clich

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