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I like guitars


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JJ, Im sure someone has said this already but I'm going bat{censored} without lemmy. What the {censored}? Your a God damn HCEG super {censored}ing star and with out your signature avatar you are just another warriorxtman with a paunch and a bitch.


Everybody is trying to be different so be a punk and stay the same....... It's just not the same HCEG without lemmy flipping me off besides some witty "{censored} you" humor.


....eat {censored} and die.......Hollowbox...........



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Originally posted by jjpistols

I don't care how much they cost

now granted, I like most of mine better than I like most of yours, but I like guitars

I play them, I look at them, I read about them, and I play them

sometimes I write songs with them -- I love it when I write a song I like

I like guitars


This is refreshing.

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Originally posted by leopardstar

HA...you guys just LIKE guitars I LOVE them nanny nanny goat:p

in fact i've been thinking about cutting a hole in the back of one, so i could get rid of the ol'lady:D now if i could just teach one to cook:rolleyes:


Watch out for splinters! :eek:


Wouldn't you have to cut a hole in front too?



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Originally posted by jjpistols

I don't care how much they cost

now granted, I like most of mine better than I like most of yours, but I like guitars

I play them, I look at them, I read about them, and I play them

sometimes I write songs with them -- I love it when I write a song I like

I like guitars



i have the same Road Runner gig bag...for the money ..one of the best..hugs the guitar a lot better than most:thu:

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Originally posted by hollowbox

JJ, Im sure someone has said this already but I'm going bat{censored} without lemmy. What the {censored}? Your a God damn HCEG super {censored}ing star and with out your signature avatar you are just another warriorxtman with a paunch and a bitch.

Everybody is trying to be different so be a punk and stay the same....... It's just not the same HCEG without lemmy flipping me off besides some witty "{censored} you" humor.

....eat {censored} and die.......Hollowbox...........





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Originally posted by Speed_Racer71

i have the same Road Runner gig bag...for the money ..one of the best..hugs the guitar a lot better than most:thu:


yeah - they're pretty nice bags - I prefer gigbags to hard cases for bolt on Fender type guitars (with non-angled headstocks) - everyone takes a bit more care loading them, plus they're easier to fit into spaces in the van -- as well as being able to carry 2-4 guitars at once :thu:

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