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Guitar Kits??


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I'm interested in building a guitar from a kit. I don't have access to any woodworking machines so I was hoping for something that comes predrilled and with all the parts needed. Just requires a screwdriver, plyers, and maybe some other basic tools. Any kit manufacturer recommendations? Or would it be cheaper to buy all the parts off eBay or something separately? I'm not looking for something amazing, just something that will be very playable and sound decent in the end. I was originally planning on buying a Squier Telecaster but thought it'd be a TON of fun to make and probably wouldn't be much worse of quality to build from a kit.


anyway, any suggestions? And if this is a horrible idea please let me know ;)


looking for something much like this: http://www.torresengineering.com/teleguitarkits1.html


maybe with a shaped headstock though!




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If you go to the NEWSLETTER link and scroll down there is some info on kits available there... and a Les Paul type body pic...


here's the text:

Guitar Kits!


Have you ever wanted to build an electric guitar or wanted a great project to work on with the kids?


Check out our range of guitar kits starting from AUD$395.00


These building kits include all parts and plans to build yourself a Strat

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Originally posted by Randy G

There isn't squat there that says anything about kits, plus the OP is in Florida, he might as well just buy a completed guitar after shipping, tariffs and currency conversions.

Yeah my bad, it's under the newsletter link - edited now - plus it's a flash page, some links need double clicking :(

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Originally posted by onbongos

there's always mitey might or warmoth - if you buy unfinished and cheap out on the hardware & pups you could probably put something together for $300 or so



Assuming you don't want any of those extra little features like pickguards, pickups, tuners, or strings...

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Originally posted by Randy G

A Warmoth body and neck for $300? Maybe, if you go use a Delorean to go back to 1977.



You can get a body from their "clearance rack" for $129, and a neck for $135.


With shipping and tax, that should put you at about $300.

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thanks for the help guys. I was really looking for a telecaster build to tell you the truth. The carvin does look pretty sweet though. Maybe I'll just buy a squier instead? it's mainly to play around with to see how much I like the tele thing ;)

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Originally posted by jds22

My Carvin kit



It's my second one. Pretty much idiot proof. I finished both of mine with tung oil. Sounds and feels great, really light weight too.

This one might be for sale if interested.

Carvin makes rear-routed bolt-on kits? Every pic I've ever seen of the Carvin bolt-on kit had a pickguard and was front-routed like a strat. I also don't see the option listed on the website. Got any more info?

That looks awesome by the way! :love:

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First of all....

I bought a Lp kit from them and it was missing the bridge and tunomatic studs and Torres has terrible terrible customer service. i ended up buying everthing i needed, and i did actually get the parts from Torres.............2 and a half months later.

SAGA kits are ok, but dont think you will be getting a Fender or a Gibson. They kits are about on the same level as a guitar you would buy for 200 bucks. my experience with the 2 kits i bought are below

Body was one piece on mine and very light
neck pocket was very tight

Tiny neck
Tiny frets
tuners suck
electronics suck
pickups are weak and toneless
pickgaurd is flimsy

Nice neck
lighter body
pickups are OK
Tuners were pretty good
pretty good binding alla round

truss rod cover holes were wrong
crappy electronics except p'ups

hope this helps..

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