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Lucille or Dot


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I like to play the blues. I am looking for a 335ish guitar. I cannot afford a Gibson. I was considering the Epiphone BB King Lucille or the Epiphone Dot. What do you think of these guitars. Is there something else to consider?



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essentially, the dot is supposed to have a mahogany neck while the lucille has a maple

epiphone has been taking some shortcuts and putting maple necks on the dots, but lately they have been mahogany necks again

also, the lucille has no f holes, so the sound is a little less open, less bright i would think, more warm


basically, if you play blues like the King, then get the Lucille

you may want a pickup switch, but after that expect a great sound


the dot is more rock and roll with more twang due to the f holes and more chunk due to the mahogany neck

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I've owned a few of both. The Lucille is brighter and more compressed sounding. It also weighs a ton. The dot is warmer and more open, and a lot lighter. I like the looks of the Lucille, but if I had another I would change the pickups and lose the varitone function. My current semi is this 333 moded with Seth Lovers - it's a mojo tone-monster.



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Hi Thanks for the suggestions. The Epiphone BB king has the varitone option and the micro-adjustable bridge. The Dot and the Xaviere do not have these options. But their price is better. Do I need these options?


thanks much!

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Originally posted by RossW

Hi Thanks for the suggestions. The Epiphone BB king has the varitone option and the micro-adjustable bridge. The Dot and the Xaviere do not have these options. But their price is better. Do I need these options?

thanks much!

You can buy an aftermarket Varitone circuit from here if you need one. Some people like-em, others don't. It's one of those things you have to try first...


The Xaviere comes with better pickups, IMO, something you'll likely change on the Epi.


I'm not sure about the micro-adjustable bridge, but any Tune-o-Matic has more than enough adjustment options.

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Last questions... promise

Ok, you guys have really given me something to think about. I really appreciate the response.


1. I was just at a Stones concert. Keith played a black Gibson. I assume it was a 335. Is this correct? the sound was amazing.


2. Inexpesive guitars - Other than the name, what does a Gibson offer that the others do not?



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Originally posted by RossW

Last questions... promise

Ok, you guys have really given me something to think about. I really appreciate the response.

1. I was just at a Stones concert. Keith played a black Gibson. I assume it was a 335. Is this correct? the sound was amazing.

2. Inexpesive guitars - Other than the name, what does a Gibson offer that the others do not?


1. Do you have pics? It's kinda hard to guess.


2. Made In USA...


3. The Washburn Semi-hollows are very nice. I've had a go at a couple and really liked the v-neck. Nice quality guitars without much flash. Iffy pickups, though.

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Originally posted by dinky1

ive been gassing for the burst one for a while thanks for fueling the gas.that thing screams play me


Guitarfetish has a few XV-900s in the Clearance page right now - you can pick one up for even less than normal :) . Apparently the burst model has no blems, just needs a quick wiring switch and it's good to go .:love:

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I'll throw one more for the Washburn HB-30.

I have a black one I perform with in my blues band. It is a sweet guitar.

If I had had more money in the budget I probably would have gotten an Epi or Gibby, but in the $300 and under range I am REALLY happy I got the Washburn.


The Xaviers look good too, but I haven't played one.

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Xavier guitars - what do we know about the sound and quality. The price is amazing and the harmony central reviews are favourable. The prices on the 'seconds' are second to none. I guess I am comparing this quitar to the Epiphones (bb king and dot). I have a Godin LG (hmb) and love it. The quality is fantastic. The price was awesome. I want another quality guitar. The Epiphones get favourable reviews (some complaints about the pickups), but he price difference has to be considered. Do you think I would get a better resale/trade in (i.e. in 4-5 years) if I went with the BB King??


Blues players, what do you suggest??


what to do... what to do.

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