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HCEG Jam #1


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I have the Fender 50th aniversary show in HiDef and surround which includes a good Gilmour set so I was anxous to try this jam/worship the master tonight.

I found that I really couldn't emulate much of anything Gilmour. :cry: Maybe I should play more than just jam tracks!! LOL Ah well here's my take.....

Red Fred

Thanks for the clip Alchemist. Now to check out the other clips and find that 50th aniversary file again. ;)

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Originally posted by liamisfun

Sounds real good TJ... a new spin on it rather than the slow soulful blues, like it alot

Thanks man. So many GREAT (I really cant stress that enough, I loved all of them) slow bluesy Gilmour type leads in this thread. I didnt think I should do another so I did a bluesy/shreddy little jam to be a little different, but I still tried to incorporate enough feel into it so that it doesnt just sound like a wank fest (hopefully it didnt lol).

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Originally posted by Alchemist

Sounds great Jay.

I managed to get some time to get a quick one in. Tried to make it feel like a live jam where you just let it all out.

My G&L Legacy with the bridge JB into Boss GT8 (with the 5150 lead patch) into PC.


{censored}ing shredders.....:D

Sounds great my man......god I wish I could do that. To think I grew up during the eighties and all I learned was Hendrix and the Beatles....how the {censored} did I miss shred?????? (yes I'm drunk)

Anyways...I did not expect anything less but a totally rocking track from you........nice twist on what everyone has been doing....You certainly understand how to play fast with feeling........I'm envious.

On a side note......you guys like the {censored}ing delay :evil: !!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody sounds great......jay.....S3_buell....nice takes.

Anyways....my wife has been listening to everybodies tracks and she is surprised that we all know how to play.......

.....she thought we all just talked about guitars.

.....and to tell you how brutal she is......she told me I needed to play less notes and be more restrained......I can't wait to let her listen to your take TJ......

This is the greatest thread in my two year (plus a couple lurking) history at this site.......thanks Mr. Alchemist :thu:

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Originally posted by hollowbox

{censored}ing shredders.....

Sounds great my man......god I wish I could do that. To think I grew up during the eighties and all I learned was Hendrix and the Beatles....how the {censored} did I miss shred?????? (yes I'm drunk)

Anyways...I did not expect anything less but a totally rocking track from you........nice twist on what everyone has been doing....You certainly understand how to play fast with feeling........I'm envious.

On a side note......you guys like the {censored}ing delay

Everybody sounds great......jay.....S3_buell....nice takes.

Anyways....my wife has been listening to everybodies tracks and she is surprised that we all know how to play.......

.....she thought we all just talked about guitars.

.....and to tell you how brutal she is......she told me I needed to play less notes and be more restrained......I can't wait to let her listen to your take TJ......


This is the greatest thread in my two year history at this site.......thanks Mr. Alchemist

Thanks man. Glad you liked the clip... but dont let the wife listen to it... I was being restrained:cry: :p

I'm really happy this has been such a success so far. Goes to show you that you can play great and get killer tones with a wide range of gear:)

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Originally posted by Alchemist

Thanks man. Glad you liked the clip... but dont let the wife listen to it... I was being restrained:cry:

I'm really happy this has been such a success so far. Goes to show you that you can play great and get killer tones with a wide range of gear:)

Yeah my wife is old school....she plays too.....not to mention is an incredible singer.....and she writes great songs....basically I hate her......anyway she is one for the less is more ....she basically thinks soloing is for retards and that anything that is not helping the vocal melody is bull{censored}.

...I can't really say I don't agree with her....but......I still want to wank (in my own, poor, awkward way) sometimes god damn her. :D

Anyway......your take was great......your a fine player.....bordering on sick (yes I hate you)..........and much props for bringing this to this forum.

We talk to much and don't play enough.......I think sometimes this forum gets too caught up in what were playing rather than what were playing....if you know what I mean.

...Already looking forward to the next jam my man.........and I am totally inspired by all the great work everybodies put into this one. :thu:

....and to answer your question....I think thursday is good for another one......one whole week........ Gives people a chance to take a shot at this one and gives us a chance to get ready for another take.......although it would be cool if you gave us an idea of what the next one will be.

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Originally posted by Alchemist

One more thing...

When do you guys want me to get the second jam started? Tuesday-Wednesday fine?... or would you like a little more time? or want another one sooner?

Friday starts are great for those of us who can only play a bit on the weekend. And God Bless you if you post a track once a week

Great takes gang, it's great to have so many folks participating on these jams. And what is it with the unrestrained candor of reviews from wives? :confused: Mines that way too.

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Man, Alchemist...That was sick. Your picking is very clean. You must have spent a lot of time in your room as a kid. How do you do that? :thu:

Also, I listened to everyone elses and they sounded great. I almost want to record with my computer mic, but ill spare you all that garbage. :thu:

You guys should do this more often. The thread really brings people together. It's like a different world in here compared to the other threads.

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Originally posted by s3_buell

Friday starts are great for those of us who can only play a bit on the weekend. And God Bless you if you post a track once a week

Great takes gang, it's great to have so many folks participating on these jams. And what is it with the unrestrained candor of reviews from wives?
Mines that way too.

Those crazy wives :D

Mine has an opinion on everything that deals with music.....she is an ungodly singer but her guitar skills are like mine....average at best......either way she has an ear and has been a useful part of every band I've ever been a part of......no one brings the truth like an opinionated wife.......and you know....if yours is like mine, it might not be what you want to hear, but she's always right (that's a given)..............


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Id say ASAP for the next track aswell, as im going away on holiday for a week on tuesday night :thu:

Again, everyones tracks sounds absolutely awesome... record companies are missing a trick haha

edit: and i also think we should head rock/metal for the next jam... just for a challenge (a challenge for most of us that is :D Alchemist will probably shred his way through it and make us look dumb)

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I got a good backing track next guys. Its fairly generic in that you can go from clean jazzy-country or acoustic solo all the way to metal shred on it and it will work. I probably wont have time to work on it until next weekend because I want to get a metal jam done for RigTalk forum first lol (I'll post results here too lol).

Whoever wants it ahead of time send me a PM and you can have it.... but please dont post anything until I get a new sticky thread up (probably monday or so). Just so we're all on the same page. I still want to give people a chance to participate on this one if they still want to. After all its only been up 3 days or so hasnt it?

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Jay: Loved how you framed the track. Heard both. Ingenious intro to track!!

Alchemist: I close my eyes and I see the flying fingers of Kramer !!:eek: Gidddyup!
Excellent technical but also soulful and stayed within the song!!

Fred: Your tone is killer.... the flow soooo dreamy. I honestly could burn all these takes on a CD maybe even melding them into each other's beginnings and ends and listen to it forever. (In my old debauched out days... it would have been forever ......):D


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Looking forward to the next track.

Hollowbody, I also agree with you wife. In my band I just bring the tasty to it. I love doubling the melody or quick soloing using the melody as the head. And playing strong rhythms is also important.

My lead singer is a woman I've worked with for many years. A year ago I helped her get a guitar and she's been learning how to play with the aim being she and I doing some scales down, smaller venue stuff. I told her we could play one of her originals from the band. She said she couldn't possbly learn to play that song. I showed her that there were only 3 chords in the whole song. She was astonished. It's as much what you bring to a song as how the strongs constructed!!

The wanking..... Cause it's fun!!!:D:thu:

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Originally posted by Frets99

The wanking..... Cause it's fun!!!

You are correct sir.....I tend to not play a lot of lead on the songs I write or that my wife writes. I try to play just enough to get the song across. Sometimes that is less and in some genre's that is more.... Either way I stay away from wanking partly due to my own limitations as a player and the fact that my songs don't really call for it......that's why this is so much fun......the whole point of it is to wank a bit.......and unbridled wanking is certainly fun for a guitar player. :thu:

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Originally posted by hollowbox

.....that's why this is so much fun......the whole point of it is to wank a bit.......and unbridled wanking is certainly fun for a guitar player.


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