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The latest Highway 1 guitars


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I have a 2006 Highway One Tele in Honey Blonde.

Couldn't ask for anything else with this axe. I've modded mine way beyond stock, though.
Little '59 + Tele = Greatest trade-off between a Gibson and Fender I've found yet.

Regarding the finish, I'm already starting to wear it down on the upper bout underneath my arm, but I think it'll look neat in 5-7 years.
After all, Highway One was built to be all about function over cosmetics, right? :D

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Originally posted by Professor Tom

I don't like the 70's headstock on the Strats. This has been done because the Fender marketing department thinks cool bands like 70's Strats. They don't, they just couldn't afford the 60's ones.






I got an 06 highway1 tele and I love it!

It doesent hurt that I got it brand new for only 150 bucks, but thats a different story. Plus she was the pick of the litter of all the telecasters in the store she came from. Unplugged she really sings A LOT, even for a tele. Id say I got lucky with this one all arround.


Regardless though, these are a big step up from the previous models.


Mine is a honey blonde, and I think it looks beautiful.

I think the sunburst models looks a bit odd with a flat finish, but I think the rest of the lot look great.


The new greasebucket circuit works incredibly with the bridge pickup, especially when run in a high gain situation (see my sig)


The only complaint I have, which isnt even really a big deal to me, is that I wish the neck was laquer finished too. I think its odd to mix urethane and laquer in one guitar.


If this guitar came with a 52 style neck and headstock in laquer, it would probably easily fly to the top as my favorite guitar in my small but proud collection.

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Originally posted by Professor Tom

I don't like the 70's headstock on the Strats. This has been done because the Fender marketing department thinks cool bands like 70's Strats. They don't, they just couldn't afford the 60's ones.



haha, well if i had to choose i would certainly take a vintage 60's strat. but i understand the move from a purely aesthetic standpoint, as looks-wise i do like that big funky headstock. also, as goofy as it sounds, some of the 70's necks strats ive played feel a bit more balanced with more wood up top.

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Just curious, as I own (and love) a 2003 Highway 1 Tele. What is the big upgrade with the 2006 Highway 1 Teles? I've seen some (early perhaps) with the honey blonde finish that looked hideous - had a pinkish hue to it. I think that's been rectified. The grease bucket circuit, whatever it does, I think has been on since 2004 or 2005, it is not new for '06 pretty sure of that. I have the old Fender catalogs, so I can check. What are the other differences?

Originally posted by No Soul


I got an 06 highway1 tele and I love it!

It doesent hurt that I got it brand new for only 150 bucks, but thats a different story. Plus she was the pick of the litter of all the telecasters in the store she came from. Unplugged she really sings A LOT, even for a tele. Id say I got lucky with this one all arround.

Regardless though, these are a big step up from the previous models.

Mine is a honey blonde, and I think it looks beautiful.

I think the sunburst models looks a bit odd with a flat finish, but I think the rest of the lot look great.

The new greasebucket circuit works incredibly with the bridge pickup, especially when run in a high gain situation (see my sig)

The only complaint I have, which isnt even really a big deal to me, is that I wish the neck was laquer finished too. I think its odd to mix urethane and laquer in one guitar.

If this guitar came with a 52 style neck and headstock in laquer, it would probably easily fly to the top as my favorite guitar in my small but proud collection.


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I've played a few of the older H1 strats and really liked them. I agree with No Soul that the sunburst looks odd in the flat finish. I really like the wine red.

I dig the 70s headstock, but either way it's not really that important to me that it would affect my decision to buy one or not.

I really want to try one of the new ones, though I wish they had a better selection of colors.

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Originally posted by IRG

Just curious, as I own (and love) a 2003 Highway 1 Tele. What is the big upgrade with the 2006 Highway 1 Teles? I've seen some (early perhaps) with the honey blonde finish that looked hideous - had a pinkish hue to it. I think that's been rectified. The grease bucket circuit, whatever it does, I think has been on since 2004 or 2005, it is not new for '06 pretty sure of that. I have the old Fender catalogs, so I can check. What are the other differences?



Other than the things you listed, the biggest change on the Hwy 1 guitars are that the frets on the 2006 are jumbos. The pups are new too.


I've got a 2006 Hwy1 strat and a 2003 Hwy1. I dig them both.

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I have an '06 strat.
great great graet guitar.
resonant, balanced, just what I was expecting from a USA Fender strat minus the finish (which btw, on a sunburst like mine, this finish looks better than the std. finish IMO)

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Originally posted by slider

this Hwy 1 tele is three years old. it has all the right parts to make the right sounds I like.

a great guitar for the price.

it can stay on the stand even when it is shown sideways


Sweet guitar!
Looks just like mine used to look!


Only now, picture it more like a hotrodded version of David Gilmour's 001 Strat.
(gold anodized guard, Little '59, gold parts, Sperzels and some wear).

Sexy guitars, they is. :D

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