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I need more then just my Strat

Dr. T

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For the past year and a half I have been playing a 2004 Highway 1 HSS Fender Strat. I love it, and it will go with me to my grave, but I want more tonal possibilities.


I want the following out of my next guitar:


* 2 humbuckers

* Independent volume/tone knobs

* Under 500$


I'm really digging the Fender Toronado guitars, but I don't know anything about them. I'm also considering an SG, but it doesn't seem like I could get a good one for under 500$.


Any thoughts?

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I need more then just my Strat





Actually, I used to be all about a 2 HB guitar. Now, I'm utterly happy with a strat with H/S/S.


Currently, I think my only 2HB guitar is an 83 Ibanez Roadstar. I used to drool over them when they first came out and got one last year for a VERY good price. The Ibanez Super 58 pickups are great as well.


I looked into getting one of the Fender double fat strats but never found one I was completely happy with how it felt. Ended up getting a Squier double fat strat but couldn't warm up to it either. I think I prefer non-Fender necks on 2HB guitars for some reason.


There's also the Big Apple strat. It has 2 HBs, and a real 5 way switch. The #1 position is bridge only, #3 is all coils, #5 is neck only. But the #2 and #4 are special. #4 is one coil of the neck only (similar to #5 on a standard strat) and #2 is one coild from the bridge and one from the neck (similar to a tele).


Very versatile.

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Yep, those Reverends look like the bee's knees.


I'll also heartily recommend a Schecter of whatever variety you like... if you're looking for more tonal range I'd recommend something mahogany. In your price range a Schecter will have some extra- "meh"- style Duncan Designed pups, but the rest of the guitar will be a class act and you can always upgrade later. Don't let the metal looks throw you off, they're good geetars. :thu:



*edit* Oh, man... MF currently has a Schecter C1 w/ real SD pickups for $499:





That's a deal. :cool:

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Damn, that Schecter looks great except that at least two volumes and a tone are better.

On my ESP EC-1000 w/SD JB/59, I can turn the neck volume down a bit for rhythm work that cleans up some. Then the JB in the bridge at full volume cuts through for lead work like magic.

You could get used to turning the volume down manually each time. I've seen people do that. And I do it on my peavey HSS....

I like having an HH and and HSS.

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If it's been posted once, it's been posted a thousand times in the last couple days...



You hit the nail on the head!


I love my Strats, but wanted something a little different. Could not find a Gibson that I liked the feel of, and I tried a lot.

Eventually found a shop with Reverends, and pickep up a Warhawk. I like it lots, you should too AND...it's in your price range.

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