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Fender Pro Junior


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How is this amp? I've yet to try one out and was considering this. I was also considering the Fender Blues Deluxe and the DRRI but I feel as if these may be a bit overkill in terms of volume. I did try the Blues Deluxe once and liked it for what it's worth.


Sound quality wise, how does it stack up against more pricey amps?

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I have one and I like it. I'm a home player and I haven't been using it lately. I bought it so I could have an amp that I could play with pure natural overdrive. You just crank it all the way and rip on it. So you get a great natural overdrive tone but yet at a volume that doesn't kill. Somewhere around half volume, it's really starting to overdrive and beyond that, it doesn't get perceivably much louder, just the character of the intensity of the OD tone changes. So the volume knob sort of turns into a gain tone knob beyond a certain point.


But if I were to do it over again. I might step up to the Blues Junior. Same amp but a bigger speaker, more tone control and reverb. Can't remember how much the price goes up, but I seem to recall it may be around a hundred, so it would be worth it. I always play my Pro Junior with reverb pedals in front of them that cost more than the price diff, so why not get it in the amp along with the other bonuses.


But one thing that did attract me to the Pro Junior was it's cute compact size and retro tweed look. So sometimes, bigger doesn't really make it better if you're looking for smaller.


The Pro Juniors are said to make pretty good recording amps.

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When I went amp shopping I found the PJ a bit boxy, and the one tone control gives less control of dialing in sounds than the bass/mid/treble on the Blues Jr. Overall, the PJ have more fullness to the tone, and isn't quite as bright as the BJr.

The PJ distorts earlier than the BJr.


I went with the BJr. cause I'm mainly need cleans/just breaking up sounds.

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I've read great reveiws on the Pro Jr and about a month ago I had decided to get one. I went to check out a used one on Craig's List and although it had excellent tone, it was probably the noisiest amp I've ever heard, as far as hum/buzz. The next day I went to a music store to check out two brand new ones for comparison. They weren't as noisy as the first one, but still had a lot of noise. I've heard about these being favored for recording, but I can't imagine recording with it with all that noise. Some of the reviews I read mentioned this problem (and some didn't), including some tips for fixing it. I tried the "remove the middle screw" trick, but it didn't help. I used to have a Blues Jr and it was totally quiet. I'm a huge Fender fan, but I'm surprised that they would release a product with such an obvious problem. Once again, I know that many users haven't experienced this issue, but many have - just read the reviews on Harmony Central. However, having said that, if I found one that was quiet enough for recording, I'd probably buy it.

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