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You know what bums me out about HCEG?


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I'm here now...had a crappy gig, the new drummer ( a metal player in a punk band) kept trying to go to fast, then too slow.. never once was his timing right, and weve been practicing for 3 weeks now. If i drank I think I'd be having a couple big whiskeys.... but since I decided that drinking and me dont mix I'm getting that last jolt of caffeine then off to dreamland ...y'all have a wonderful weekend I'm sure I'll be back here soon.

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old fart here too.
I had dinner with 5 friends this evening.
I've known them all for over 30 years.

*obligatry git content*
I just played the GFSX850 and the NightRider.
Those two are now at the top of my pile.
Between the two of them they cover almost anything I want to play. And if they don't, there's the "Mean'51".

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My wife and I go out to dinner every Friday, but we have to go early because everyone else in Fort Collins does the same thing. I got hooked on the TV show Las Vegas (I think Vanessa Marcil is the prettiest woman on TV), so I usually watch that and then crank up the guitar for a couple of hours.


My band gets together once a month for a coffeehouse gig on Fridays (our next one is on the 9th). We also play for two worship services on Sundays and special events in the summer. That's plenty for me these days.



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Let the kids have their fun. LOL

I got out this evening after a couple of Friday nights at home. I played live poker for money for the first time. Playing the game is better than watching on the sidelines, even when it isn't a big deal at all. I think this can include parenting too.

Two things I miss about being a musician:
Moments when the band was hot on a long improv and had taken control of the audience, moving their mood up and down, no applause except when prompted, completely involved in the moment. club staff stopped working and watching too.
Special Event Theme Party nights when everything was dance dance dance and again we were on. The whole place would bounce together. Everybody sweaty and smilin, people screwing in bathrooms, supply rooms and coat rooms.... Used to grab a feedback note in the middle of a solo, catch the bands attention and wave my free hand across the audience as to say to my guys "Look how well you've done and how happy they all are". Liked to catch the promoter or owners eye too :)

ALL the rest of rock life really IS eclipsed by my family and our life here in my middle age. I think you are all saying that too.

What do you miss about Friday nights?

Still have GAS though...

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