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WTF, am I that bad?


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It's easy to see that you haven't been wasting your time. Tighten up on your vibrato and think phasing. Are you seeing a trend here.

Great shirt, can I get that in a extra extra large?

I will second what he said ---- does it come in XXL????

The vid and playin is great..... there's always someone...

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I think you might be overreacting to the YouTube feedback phenomenon. Dave Gilmour himself could post the solo from "Comfortably Numb" and some 12 year old Ritalin-junkie would tell him that it is "teh sucks" because he's not shredding fast enough. I would think 10% negative commentary is probably standard for any video regardless of quality. Your playing was perfectly fine.

:thu: Totally agree!

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I think you might be overreacting to the YouTube feedback phenomenon. Dave Gilmour himself could post the solo from "Comfortably Numb" and some 12 year old Ritalin-junkie would tell him that it is "teh sucks" because he's not shredding fast enough. I would think 10% negative commentary is probably standard for any video regardless of quality. Your playing was perfectly fine.




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The comment that posted- "that {censored} is whack" is american slang, and can be used in both positive and negative connotations.

God job! Phrasing is the key to playing tasty leads. Sometimes it's the notes that you don't play that are greater than the ones you do.:wave:

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Put this up some months ago, and got a comment from someone that wasn't very nice. Would be interesting to see if people here agree with that guy, or not.


Anders Vincent Lund

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You've obviously got talent and you demonstrate your skills quite explicitly. I found your phrasing to be very tasteful and adequately subdued especially considering the genre. You use silence well - knowing when to pause and let the melody "breathe" back into your solo is extremely important, IMHO. Bottom line - keep doing whatever it is that you're doing. It's working very well for you and you're only going to get better. Huge kudos also for your tone, level in the mix and staying in tune with the backing track.

That was impressive playing - I liked it a lot. Thanks for sharing that. I guess it wasn't somebody's cup o' tea, but there's always going to be some folks who don't like your music for whatever reason - something we all have to live with if we're going to put our music out where others can hear it.

:thu: :thu:


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Yes, I do, but to keep this thread from going too far OT, i'll refrain from repeating my "signature move" (religious/ political OTmongering

You should probably do the same.

Oh yeah, you're right.:o

Think the rain will hurt the rhubarb?:confused:

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There are a number of reasons why someone may say something less than nice about anyone on the internet. Chances are they just felt like being an ass. You'v got a few different groups of people that hang out here and only about half of what either of them say is worth listening to on anything that is subjective.
I could really break them down a lot further but when it comes down to it they fall into 2 major categories:

The first group hates everything and just likes to stir up {censored}. You could play some long lost clip of Clapton and SRV playing and say that it was yours and they would say that it sucked. This is usually from two warring clans, the elitist gear snobs and the rebellious anti-establishment group. The elitist spend more time basking in their greatness of owning authentic gear while the rebellious group try to make a $100 guitar with $3000 of aftermarket parts sound like the real the manufacturer they are rebelling against. The tension between these two groups bleeds over into anything that they post here and it usually isn't nice either way. Ignore these guys at all costs. They don't post anything here because they spend more time dorking with their tone and arguing with eachother than playing anyway.

Second group is the set of guys that don't care about what a guitar cost, who made it or anything. They just love music. They find a guitar that serves a need and they play it. They post their music and are actually usually pretty musical. These guys are just nice guys and are just here to have a good time sharing music. Their downfall is that when judging other people's music they are sometimes too supportive and even if it does suck they go out of their way to find something nice to say. I know this for a fact because I hear really nice stuff about a lot of my clips and I know that it is just nice people being supportive. Thats good, but take it with a grain of salt.

Now this isn't the end all be all list of types of guys here, a bunch of people no doubt got lumped into 2 groups unfairly and everyone is different. There will be guys that don't fall into either, fall into both, whatever and you can't take into account musical tastes here because that is a factor as well. But on this board these are the two prevailing forces as I see it.

If you want an honest opinion of your song then ask someone who doesn't play guitar. Trying to please this crowd or get an honest answer is too hard here.

I will try to give you my most honest opinion though. Just remember that as long as you like what you are playing that is all that matters.

First off your playing doesn't suck. Someone might not like the song, but you can obviously play.

I heard a few of the same things in the recording that I do all the time and I am pretty sure that it is with vibrato; when you hold a note and let it die it sounds just slightly off in a few cases. I do it all the time and even if my guitar is tuned perfect and is intonated it happens on occasion. I hear it all the time by others so it may just be my ears.

I think that it is hard to play over a 4 minute piece and keep it interesting the whole time too, even the big boys tend to get boring after a while. I thought that your phrasing was good for the most part, no real holes in your note selection and no mistakes.

I didn't like the double stop bend that much, but it wasn't bad or out of place, I just would have tried something else.

I liked the fact that you changed up the dynamics with going cleaner in there and I liked the spot where you stopped playing for a second. Letting a song breath and the listener catch up is important. It really adds that tension in there that a good song needs.

I didn't think of it as a shred song, I don't like shred very much and I liked this for the most part. I think that it could be better with a little more to it or maybe some vocals, but the hooks were solid and it was a real song and flowed well. The muted fast runs really fit well in there and just added something tastey as hell to it.

Your timing was dead on. Thats so important and people don't think about it until they hear someone with no rhythm. Very good timing here.

The only bad thing I would have to say is that if there was another part to it, maybe a bridge leading to a verse or chorus and it would have been monstrous. I just wanted to hear the song go to another place, it felt like we started a trip to go somewhere cool and never quite arrived. I don't know which or how because my theory sucks and I just know how to play notes that are somewhat in key most of the time. I'm working on it though.

Oh and the shirt frickin ruled.

while I don't agree with every detail you posted here, I dig the tone of your post :) at least, when I read it, I immediately thought "well, saves me a bunch of typing"

I thought overall the playing was fantastic - great timing, good tone that fit the song, very musical, and no glaring {censored}-ups :thu:

I bet you a beer anybody slagging on it can't do it, and most anyone who can do it or do it better will offer tips to help

notice I offered no tips :o (I can't do it)

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while I don't agree with every detail you posted here, I dig the tone of your post
at least, when I read it, I immediately thought "well, saves me a bunch of typing"

I thought overall the playing was fantastic - great timing, good tone that fit the song, very musical, and no glaring {censored}-ups

I bet you a beer anybody slagging on it can't do it, and most anyone who can do it or do it better will offer tips to help

notice I offered no tips
(I can't do it)

Holy {censored}! It's honesty!:eek: I drink to your modesty, Sir!:thu:

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Thanks again people!

Trying to get my vibrato and my bends not to be off pitch. Think it got better recently 'cause I recently changed to thicker strings. With 0.09 strings it's so easy to bend a little to much, I use 0.11 now in Eb tuning.

Also trying to make songs with more melody, not so much wanking and improvisation, to make it more interesting. Improving speed would also be nice, not that I wan't to kill songs by shredding to much, but it would shure be nice to be able to do a little!

Any good hints? right now I'm just going up and down the scales in 16th notes with my metronome, but it gets boring fast.

Peace Dudes!

Anders Vincent Lund

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