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Mr. Anderton: how do you transport your gear?

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Well, it's nothing fancy, because I take so little stuff. I try to make sure I can bring everything as carry-on. Usually airlines will let you carry on one decent-sized bag and one small one. The small one has the laptop, power supply, and some other goodies (USB memory stick with backups of all the files I'm performing with, earphones, etc.).


The bigger carry-on has the Peavey PC-1600, Firebox interface, mouse, mouse pad, cables, adapters, etc. If I'm using the Adrenalinn instead of just plug-ins on the laptop, then I bring that and a footpedal. Wherever I play, the venue provides the sound system.


I'm actually brave enough to check my guitar. For out-of-town gigs I play a Peavey Milano which is apparently, knock on wood, indesctructible. The case is pretty heavy-duty and so far it's made it to every gig. Cool. It's been through a lot over the years and I don't lock it, so if some TSA dude or dudette wants to steal it, it doesn't look all that high-rent if they open it up.

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