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Sad day - sold my first guitar


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:cry: sold my black affinity strat squier and {censored}ty amp for a mere 65 dollars.. i needed money quick for my new guitar purchase (NGD thread coming soon). I probably shouldn't have sold it... I miss it already. But I am happy with my new geetar.
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oohhhh man...i did that. i sold my cort les paul copy (my first) awww man- you shouldn't of done it. i totally regretted it, luckily i was able to get it back last year. i hadn't seen it for about 9 years, glad I was able to get it back.

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I gave away my first guitar to someone who was just learning. He eventually stopped playing and gave it back. It is a piece of crap with horrible pickups and a warped neck, but hey, it was my first and it is nice to have it back.

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I would never do that, but thats me. My first is a piece of {censored} washburn strat copy with a paper thin neck, and it hasn't had pickups in it for years. The fretboard is dirty and nasty, and the frets are worn down to nothing...it serves as a reminder of how hard I dedicated myself to the guitar in the beginning and inspires me to keep that up.

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If you continue playing guitar years from now, you will eventually regret selling it and you will be willing to spend many $$'s in order to recover it. I am currently searching for my first guitar or one like it, even though it was a POS.

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I sold my first electric, Squier '51, early this year because I wasn't playing it enough and I never bonded with it. It never felt like "mine."


I've since purchased two more that I like much better. I never regretted selling the Squier. To each his own.

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Man, i couldn't sell mine. First of all no one would pay a dime for it (It's just a early 90's/late 80's cort strat copy), secondly it's go for much mojo for me, and i love it too much. Also it sounds like hell in a way that just 'fits' as an extra layer in so many tracks.

However, I left it at my parents house when I moved last, just so I'll always have a guitar around when I'm visiting home.

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well that makes me really not want to sell my old squier strat. fortunately after taking it to the local music shop the owner (whom i trust with anything guitar related) and one of the managers agreed with me that it plays rather nicely and would be good for modding. gotta take it back to decide on some pickups soon :D

she's my first electric, but my first was a hohner classical that's a POS. however, i still wouldn't sell it :thu:

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I still have my first acoustic and electric guitars - both now well over 30 years old and well played (so the odd scratch and ding) but well looked after.
I play them both regularly and would hate to lose them.

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