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SOT : Beer spilled in my amp last night...


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:mad:...Last night after rehersal, as I was packing my stuff, I accidently tip over a beer bottle that was on a table right behind my amp...I don't worry about it, as there's only my empty bottles there...little did I know that the drummer put his half full beer there ( I never put full beers so close of my amp, just the empty bottles )...so when I turn back a few seconds later, I see beer dripping from the chassis on the back of the amp :mad:...luckily it was unplugged, but still, a half bottle of beer has been spilled in there...


I tried to dry it out as good as I could, and I wont plug it back for a while to allow it to dry completely...


How bad could that be for the amp ?:confused:


Will it induce more MOJO to it ?:D

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If the beer is on the tubes it will help them to run cooler. Might be able to over-drive them more.


IMO if there was no power to it while it occurred and you let it dry out then it should be okay when you power it back up. Years ago (25+) my Music Man was drenched in rain. I waited 4 days and it ran fine and still does.

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With the amp being unplugged, you've greatly reduced the chances of damage.


Did you pull the chassis out and see if it actually got into the components? I think I'd do that, and if it does have beer in there, I'd very carefully dab it with a towel or something absorbant to get the big stuff dried up, then leave the chassis out of the amp for a few days to let evaporation run it's course.


I'd say you'll probably be fine, but you never really know until you plug the sucker back in.

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Do what Prages said. Go in there and clean it up. Wipe it clean with a damp cloth. If any tubes and sockets have beer residue on them, wipe it off. That beer residue will dry and cake and maybe even burn. It's probably a mix of beer and dust right now.



Just be carefull.


How long do capacitors hold a charge?

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didn't see whether you said if it was a SS amp or a tube amp.


If the amp was off for a while before it happened I doubt anything occurred from the initial spillage, but you definitely want to crack it open and check it out. If it's minimal, do a clean up like Prages said.

If it did get all over the PCB then you may want to take it to a tech for a professional cleaning before you turn it back on again.

That is, unless you can get your hands on some Freon 113 (Trichlorotrifluoroethane) and give the boards a good spray cleaning and brushing. Probably be the safest thing to clean them off with. When I worked at an electronics manufacturing plant it was what we'd use to clean the tons of flux left on the PCBs after going through the solder wave or after touch ups in final assembly.

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That you had no power to the amp at the time has probably saved it. It's having the amp's components short circuit due to conductive fluid (water, beer etc.) that kills them.


I'd pull the chassis (being careful of those output caps), and then clean up any residue that's left. After that, stick it in a warm dry place for a few days (like an airing cupboard).


My Dad's an electronics engineer, and I've seen him clean up old valve equipment and electronics by sticking them in the dishwasher, and then drying them in the oven on a low heat for a few hours. Does no harm and they come up sparkly clean! :lol:


They key is make sure everything is DRY!


One other thing, you mentioned the amp was a combo? :confused: If beer got to your speaker cone then it's likey that has been damaged in some way. Paper and liquids don't mix very well!

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Tubes...Peavey Classic 50 212



If someone even thinks about doing that with mine, they'll find the beer bottle somewhere that it poses absolutely no threat to my classic 50....


That said, I honestly think it'll be fine. Just make SURE it is fully dried out, as mentioned.

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