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How good are Epi Elitist pickups?


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I'm looking for a set of nickel covered pups for my Epi LP Custom and I'm thinking about the Elitist pups. A certain forumite here has a set for sale. :)

The stock alnicos in the Epi sound good but lack a little high end.


The pickups that sound good to me are Duncan Seth Lovers and 59's and I want something in the same vein as those.

So do the Elistist pups have that type of sound or are they hotter?

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The bridge pickup (60ST) in the Elitist set that a certain forumite is selling is quite a bit hotter than a Seth Lover. The bridge pickup in the Elitist Dot (50ST) is quite a bit closer (though still not quite up to Seth Lover quality).

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Originally posted by jeffcoop

The bridge pickup (60ST) in the Elitist set that a certain forumite is selling is quite a bit hotter than a Seth Lover.



How much hotter? Similar to a Gibson 498?

A little hotter is ok but Super Distortion hot is a dealbreaker.


The Duncan Custom Custom is about as hot as I'd want.

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IMO they are a sweeter more vintage sounding pickup.


I have a LP Studio with the 490/498 combo and it sounds more dark, muddy and hard (hard from the bridge) than the Elitist pups


I have a pair of Seth Lovers that I'm going to install in my Gibson LP Studio cuz I don't like the cleans on the 490/498 combo.


I really do like the Epi Elitist pups and in my judgement they are closer to Gibson Classic '57s. I read one "Hands On Review" that also had the same opinion.


So I'd say go for the Elitist pups if you get a bargain that you think would be appropriate for used, "not quite top of the line" pickups.


I think you'll be happy with them. I am. But I do prefer "classic" clean and overdrive tones. I have the Elitist LP Std and I bought my son the Elitist SG. Both have the same pups and both guitars sound very good clean. And of course for overdrive or distortion, you can tweak that tone until the cows come home with pedals and/or amp gain.

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Originally posted by vintage clubber

What were were thoughts on the Kent Armstrong Vintage PAF style set you got from me last year for that SG? A pair of those is cheaper than the Elitists...


Damn, I forgot about those. Hmm, more decisions!


Chris, PM me a price for a pair that are similar in tone to a Duncan 59 or Seth Lover. With Nickel covers.



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The 60st is vintage-y and somewhat hot, but it's also very characteristic and nowhere near a Seth Lover in sound. The 50sr I liked quite a bit more and the onkly reason I sold that one was because I was selling the bridge and wanted to try a SL set.



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Made a deal with the B-Man for his Elitist pickups!


I was playing the Epi last night and the stockers really sounded good. Oh well, I'll still buy the Elitist pups. They may end up in another guitar but they will be used.

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Originally posted by GAS Man

IMO they are a sweeter more vintage sounding pickup.

I have a LP Studio with the 490/498 combo and it sounds more dark, muddy and hard (hard from the bridge) than the Elitist pups

I have a pair of Seth Lovers that I'm going to install in my Gibson LP Studio cuz I don't like the cleans on the 490/498 combo.

I really do like the Epi Elitist pups and in my judgement they are closer to Gibson Classic '57s. I read one "Hands On Review" that also had the same opinion.

So I'd say go for the Elitist pups if you get a bargain that you think would be appropriate for used, "not quite top of the line" pickups.

I think you'll be happy with them. I am. But I do prefer "classic" clean and overdrive tones. I have the Elitist LP Std and I bought my son the Elitist SG. Both have the same pups and both guitars sound very good clean. And of course for overdrive or distortion, you can tweak that tone until the cows come home with pedals and/or amp gain.



You took the words out of my mouth.


The Elitist pickups may be similar output to 498/490, but they are definitely "sweeter" sounding. I just can't warm up to the 498/490 sound, but that's just my preference. Your mileage may vary...

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I'd say they are not hotter. I think you'll find they have more clarity than the '59.


I've bought a set of Seth Lovers for a Gibson LP but haven't installed them yet. :freak: The SLs were reported to have very good clairty and note definition by the luthier I use in Seattle for my mod work.


But to my ears they remind me of the Gibson '57s. I also read one of those "Hands on Reviews" by MF where the same comparison was made.



The Epi Elitist has a brighter sound with more clarity and chime than my Gibby Studio with the 490/498 combo.

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The Elitist bridge pup is pretty hot, I measured14.6 on one of mine (498T is in the mid to high 8s); the neck was 7.8. I replaced the bridge pup on my Elitist with a SD Pearly Gates. For what I want, it's a much better pup. I kinda like the neck pup, though.



Hmm...the 498T's are pretty close to 14k from what I've seen.

I do like really like the Elitist Neck PU (50SR) quite a bit too! I think it sounds clearer than then 490R, and just as warm.

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Hmm...the 498T's are pretty close to 14k from what I've seen.

I do like really like the Elitist Neck PU (50SR) quite a bit too! I think it sounds clearer than then 490R, and just as warm.

Yep my 498T uncovered reads 13.8 and is not a bad pickup at all. Mine doesnt like to be up as close too the strings as other pickups Ive owned yet still gets some sweet tones. Sounds better in my PRS SE than in my Epi though.:thu:

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On my Elitist, the 60ST measured 13.7K and the 50SR measured 7.8K. My gut feeling is that they're rebadged 490R&498T's that come on regular Gibsons. I see Gibson being lazy and just putting a different sticker on the same pickup.

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