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I'm frustrated that I can't pick fast enough.

Dado Prso

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I don't know how fast you're trying to go...

I know it sounds cheesy.. But try not to think about it. The harder you try, the worse you do (at least that's the way I find it). I kinda clench my whole forearm and just go. Kinda hard to explain. My wrist stays still. All elbow.

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I would focus on making a small circle with the pick. You will pick the string twice every revolution through the circle. Start out slow and steady and just practice. Ask you get comfortable with a speed and circle size, make the circle smaller and speed up a little. In a few weeks you will notice a marked difference.

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I know what your going through. The problem is not your muscles in the arm and back, it's actually in your brain. The brain forms new memory coils when a certain activity repeats it's self several times. You need three things to gain speed... 1.relax and breath. Your muscles need oxygen to create ATP. Fuel for the body. Next, you need to repeat the motion at a slow time measure. The more you do it, the better you'll play it. That comes from Eric Johnson himself. Next, focus on your breathing. Muscles need oxygen. You need to breathe to help muscle movement. lastly, you must be patient. Working out for one day does not get you a six pack abs and rock hard pecs. Play the passage at as many speeds fast and slow as you can. I went backstage at an Al demiola concert. And dude was playing scales. Over and over again. That speaks volumes.

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Ok, the key for me is control. I use fender mediums, hold them pretty tight to the tip, and go back and forth with as little excessive motion as possible. Also resting your palm on the bridge when needed for any necessary muting helps. IMO the closer to the bridge, the more control you have. I also use DR hi-beam 9's for as light as touch as possible. Practice!! Cannot say it enough. If I screw around too long I have to make that time up. Get Speed kills by MAB. You will learn.

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So are you supposed to be all elbow?

I always thought you were supposed to relax your arm and let your wrist do all of the work....

I'm trying to go as fast as Bellamy of Muse can go.



I don't know how you're supposed to do it. That's just how I do it. I don't do it all the time, anyways.


You're not gonna just grab a pick and start playing Muse 100%. It'll take time.

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ok bro, I end up wearing out my picks rather quickly, but I just go only up and down. I tend to wear out the left side of the tip as you are facing it. Remember small motions and a light touch. If you want to be loud use the damn volume. Practice. repeat. If you sound precise clean as well as overdriven, you have reached nirvana.

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You hold the pick between your first finger and thumb and make the pick perpendicular to the strings. Then using the knuckles on your finger and thumb and/or your wrist, make a circle (clockwise or counter-clockwise). Now lower the pick to where the end of the pick contacts the string twice in one revolution. Start with a circle about twice the size of a penny and decrease the size as you increase speed.

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Tremolo picking can be done wrist, fingers, and apparently the whole damn elbow!


I personally have my wrist and elbow stay relatively still, and just have my thumb and first finger move. It's worked fine for me since I've learned it. I think i'm inclined to do it that way from years of playing videogames, though.


Anywho, like all things, practice is what you need.

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I would focus on making a small circle with the pick. You will pick the string twice every revolution through the circle. Start out slow and steady and just practice. Ask you get comfortable with a speed and circle size, make the circle smaller and speed up a little. In a few weeks you will notice a marked difference.



Isn't that a tip from Mr. Johnson himself? He mentionned something like that in a vid.

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