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No use for acoustics...


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Well, obviously you do. And, it's so nice to see someone strive to be articulate.

Now, what makes you look totally stupid is not the profanity with which you pepper your language in an effort to hide your lack of cerebral sharpness - it is this coupled with your inability to comprehend the written word.

Now, go back into mommy's room, stick your fist up your rectum, bend over, and sing
I'm A Little Tea Pot
for her. Perhaps this will finally gain you the acceptance deprived you as a child that has helped you to become such a waste of human DNA.


who gives a {censored}?

only you...


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I think one has to be a better guitar player to get justice out of an acoustic. Partly why I gravitate towards electric.

But I admire those that can master those bitches.




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I'm of the opposite opinion. I have one electric that I love playing in group settings but most of the time I play alone so it barely gets reached for. With either of my acoustics I find that I'm more in tune with the entire structure of a song and fill in the blanks with techniques rather than just one part as I would when playing electric.

I'm not saying I'm any good; I'm just happy to be able to play my way through a few dozen complete songs. Back in my electric days I got a little too wrapped up in just learning riffs.

BTW, when playing solo I also feel that the acoustic lends itself better for singing up against.

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I write all of my stuff on acoustic.
Whether it be an "acoustic" song or a full band song.

I actually went through a period of a few years when I only played acoustic.
I love electric equally now :thu:

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